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Last comments - tweezer's Gallery
GPTempDownload.jpeg 120 views4 commentstweezer05/14/24 at 17:05Highrocker: Depends brand wetsuit!
GPTempDownload.jpeg 120 views4 commentstweezer05/14/24 at 16:40muchogusto: good thing you weren't wearing your dry suit
GPTempDownload.jpeg 120 views4 commentstweezer05/13/24 at 08:52VanIsleVanMan: Can't speak for Gus but I just had a leak in ...
GPTempDownload.jpeg 120 views4 commentstweezer05/13/24 at 08:47Bobson: JustJohn and Gustastic enjoying IV photoshoot. Why...
IMG_2063.JPG Body skip by Law1970 views4 commentstweezer06/20/11 at 16:45Sandy Beach: appears like TheLaw requires a double double espre...
IMG_2063.JPG Body skip by Law1970 views4 commentstweezer11/14/05 at 12:24more force 4: Safe old school trick??
IMG_2063.JPG Body skip by Law1970 views4 commentstweezer09/16/05 at 11:33downwind dave: thats the exact move that broke my rib back in aug...
IMG_2074.JPG Body launch by fish - photo by Owen640 views3 commentstweezer08/31/05 at 19:56Starboard Steve: TheFish takes the bait... Hook, line and sinker.
IMG_2268.JPG 224 views1 commentstweezer08/14/05 at 22:45winddoctor: Great shot! Tweezer, you are SO ready for one han...
IMG_2074.JPG Body launch by fish - photo by Owen640 views3 commentstweezer08/14/05 at 22:42winddoctor: Hey Fish, did you land it?? Laughing
IMG_2074.JPG Body launch by fish - photo by Owen640 views3 commentstweezer08/13/05 at 07:42TheLaw: Where are the spawning grounds...TheFish is headin...
IMG_2063.JPG Body skip by Law1970 views4 commentstweezer08/13/05 at 07:40TheLaw: This the new hip skip to land on the mast trick th...
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