It's coming back....Summer Formula Fun at the lake!!!362 views3 commentsBobson09/26/23 at 21:24Highrocker: The head carpet becomes you! Ya big stud!
It's coming back....Summer Formula Fun at the lake!!!362 views3 commentsBobson09/26/23 at 09:38Bobson: 20 years ago. Thanks to Windoc for taking the pict...
It's coming back....Summer Formula Fun at the lake!!!362 views3 commentsBobson09/25/23 at 20:13BigD:
Foiling at the lake with Da Twizz61 views1 commentsBobson09/22/21 at 10:15AJSpencer: Bobson's got point.
Foiling too high, too high!!44 views1 commentsBobson09/20/21 at 09:32Bobson: This is called using all 85cms of your 85cm mast. ...
Foiling to Mt. Baker37 viewsBobson foiling at CP in front of Mt. Baker1 commentsBobson06/01/21 at 11:32more force 4: WOW POW
Golf Course Foiling43 viewsBobson foiling in front of Golf Course on 4.5m1 commentsBobson06/01/21 at 11:30more force 4: who knew, golf courses do have a purpose - nice ba...
195 views2 commentsBobson03/28/13 at 10:04Bobson: What's it gonna be at the lake this summer WS...
Nose picker168 views2 commentsBobson06/07/10 at 12:20KUS: like father like daughter, hahaha, good one Bobson...
Nose picker168 views2 commentsBobson06/07/10 at 10:37JL: Awesome !!!
Bobson taking-off152 views1 commentsBobson10/05/09 at 14:11more force 4: what happened with the carve and flip? More pix n...
Bobson Shoulder check173 views1 commentsBobson10/05/09 at 14:10more force 4: Yeah, I've no desire to experience what your r...
Why is Bobson so happy..??576 views5 commentsBobson05/03/07 at 17:33GWIND: BOY HOW DO WE GET INTO THAT SPORT?
JBAA - Figure it out!226 views1 commentsBobson05/03/07 at 11:57Geoffy: Spread 'em Matilda, I'm coming in!!!
Summertime at Nitinat on bigger gear.189 views3 commentsBobson11/25/06 at 10:39tweezer: another few inches of downhaul!
Why is Bobson so happy..??576 views5 commentsBobson11/14/06 at 23:50jimmy lewis: Glamorous !!!
Why is Bobson so happy..??576 views5 commentsBobson11/14/06 at 19:03KUS: Yep, there are certain similarities
Why is Bobson so happy..??576 views5 commentsBobson11/14/06 at 17:27winddoctor: " I just graduated from the Kus School of Bea...
Why is Bobson so happy..??576 views5 commentsBobson11/14/06 at 16:51KUS: Hey good lookin' Wanna date
PreStart of Non-Pro Slalom Race173 views1 commentsBobson08/21/06 at 16:47KUS: Gotta love the tuck tape specials
Chris Curran, relaxed sailing on stolen gear183 views2 commentsBobson08/21/06 at 16:44KUS: it's that sailworks logo, it has him spooked :lol...
Chris Curran, relaxed sailing on stolen gear183 views2 commentsBobson08/17/06 at 11:03Kite Kook: um, you don't look impressed, Chris!
Summertime at Nitinat on bigger gear.189 views3 commentsBobson04/07/06 at 13:51Bobson: Yup, bad battens and mast foot placement, 1st year...
Summertime at Nitinat on bigger gear.189 views3 commentsBobson04/07/06 at 07:22KUS: dunno, the batten adjustments look out to me or th...