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IMG_1447.JPG Damn shore break818 views2 commentswindaddiction01/02/06 at 13:33more force 4: See, ya push the button 350 times and a couple wor...
IMG_1317~1.JPG 183 views1 commentswindaddiction11/08/05 at 09:11downwind dave: where do you get those "TOH" sails? :c...
IMG_1431.JPG 367 views2 commentswindaddiction11/03/05 at 21:06KUS: flashback happening.....that WAS just INSANE, thos...
IMG_1447.JPG Damn shore break818 views2 commentswindaddiction11/03/05 at 20:59KUS: THAT'S an awesome shot Razz , and so to the point ...
IMG_1422.JPG 464 views4 commentswindaddiction11/03/05 at 17:16jimmy lewis: 1 hand 'Groiner' !
IMG_1422.JPG 464 views4 commentswindaddiction11/03/05 at 16:59Russian Guy: Ii thought it fully powered one legger screwege 72...
IMG_1485.JPG 209 views1 commentswindaddiction11/03/05 at 16:58more force 4: smokin!
IMG_1495.JPG 234 views1 commentswindaddiction11/03/05 at 16:58more force 4: underpowered lull before the next gust
IMG_1384.JPG 251 views1 commentswindaddiction11/03/05 at 16:57more force 4: ride it WindAddiction!z Sheet in!!!
IMG_1431.JPG 367 views2 commentswindaddiction11/03/05 at 16:53more force 4: tailwalking a 3.5!. 40++ kt. Note blown spray ju...
IMG_1459.JPG 217 views1 commentswindaddiction11/03/05 at 16:37downwind dave: great shots guys, looks savage Very Happy
IMG_1422.JPG 464 views4 commentswindaddiction11/03/05 at 16:25windaddiction: well thats the new tricks i leaned while i was gon...
IMG_1422.JPG 464 views4 commentswindaddiction11/03/05 at 16:24bigwavedave: sweet...you don't see too many 1 legged forwards t...
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