Last comments - Kite Kook
34_28North_Jetty_June_2529.jpg Seastar (Winddoctor)235 viewsNorth Jetty, June 254 commentsC3603/24/20 at 17:54Kite Kook: Probably my fave photo I've seen on this webs...
untitled-2~6.jpg Cape magic115 views2 commentswinddoctor07/02/17 at 22:18Kite Kook: Nice!
MTZ_7625.jpg Kitekook being all mysterious - like.159 views2 commentswinddoctor05/27/16 at 23:21Kite Kook: was awesome just to be out there!
GOPR2823.jpg 1136 views1 commentsshaggy03/22/13 at 23:36Kite Kook: Love this one!
20121120_IV_0308.jpg 177 views4 commentsRandy11/20/12 at 23:25Kite Kook: Cool photo!
AC_Flying.jpg AC flying high234 views1 commentsMartyD10/05/12 at 12:24Kite Kook: nice!
Image001.jpg Forecast162 views1 commentsKite Kook03/30/12 at 15:10Kite Kook: And it is *POURING* rain outside!
P1040484~0.JPG WDoc shuvit278 views6 commentsmorewind03/04/12 at 20:40Kite Kook: I've always admired your level headed sailing...
GOPR2265bwdf.jpg 253 viewsDCIM104GOPRO5 commentsshaggy03/01/12 at 17:22Kite Kook: Very nice! Very Happy
GOPR9289bwd.jpg 187 viewsDCIM100GOPRO1 commentsshaggy03/01/12 at 17:21Kite Kook: I like this. Very Happy
dave_sweet_jump.jpg 381 views4 commentswinddoctor02/26/12 at 20:16Kite Kook: Great Shot Exclamation
IMG_0339.jpg New BWD Hoody172 viewsStoked to be wearing BWD wear in TO3 commentsKite Kook06/12/11 at 11:16Kite Kook: Thanks BA et al!!!! Very Happy
IMG_0332.jpg My new BWD T-shirt!235 views6 commentsKite Kook06/12/11 at 11:16Kite Kook: Thanks BA et al!!!! Very Happy
P8210006_ec.jpg name that pilot?1844 views6 comments~ pimp hand ~11/26/10 at 11:49Kite Kook: I think your're living your dream now, Johnny...
900539849_87y9v-L.jpg Superdave, Cook st., June 13270 views2 commentssnapper30007/21/10 at 17:42Kite Kook: fantastic shot... like he's about to slash an ...
725698762_AQDgw-L.jpg Superdave - Cook st. Nov/091593 views1 commentssnapper30006/27/10 at 10:33Kite Kook: who can look at this and NOT want to kitesurf? :sh...
P5301416small.JPG TEAM "V" LEADER & support - CF Walk 2010296 viewsRoyal Roads U2 commentsKUS06/01/10 at 19:42Kite Kook: Indeed! I will post another when I get the camera ...
Cook_April_8_2010_21~0.JPG 274 views3 commentsCrow05/04/10 at 13:42Kite Kook: nice!
Cookcam-7-Mar212010-170255.jpg Testing the new OR proto?410 views2 commentsbwd03/22/10 at 20:44Kite Kook: man, i saw this close up, and I couldn't belie...
thomas-66.jpg Westside Mexico325 views3 commentsToesideT03/10/10 at 15:20Kite Kook: who is the rider?
Cookcam2-5-1800.jpg 363 views2 commentsbwd03/06/10 at 00:10Kite Kook: nice!
Grant_LB_hop.jpg Gmac in flight424 viewsSteph photo4 commentswinddoctor01/25/10 at 13:49Kite Kook: If I recall correctly, he took off at South Cheter...
PICT0139.JPG philippines188 viewshandlepass1 commentsGlobe01/15/10 at 01:29Kite Kook: Wow! This is an amazing photo, seriously. Love the...
PICT0103.JPG philippines212 viewskiteloooop1 commentsGlobe01/15/10 at 01:28Kite Kook: Incredible - love the sun and cloud...
97 files on 5 page(s) 1