Last comments - juandesooka
IMG_0016_1600x1067.JPG Otter Point136 views2 commentsjuandesooka05/05/24 at 08:53juandesooka: Not really just wade in. Though getti...
IMG_9394_800x533.JPG windoc tack306 views3 commentsjuandesooka07/26/21 at 16:28juandesooka: good eye MF4 Cool the rest of the sequence shall ...
DSC_2889_28229.JPG Shaggy looking at days of lore160 viewsBut does he miss it?2 commentsnanmoo06/15/21 at 08:32juandesooka: I foresee straps in his future
P1050686.jpeg 59 views1 commentsshaggy06/14/21 at 08:38juandesooka: MC givin'r Cool
nanmoo4.JPG Nanmoo trolling315 views3 commentsjuandesooka06/07/21 at 21:07juandesooka: Juan de Fuca west of sooke
nanmoo4.JPG Nanmoo trolling315 views3 commentsjuandesooka06/07/21 at 07:25juandesooka: photo credit graniadesooka
IMG_6984_28229_732x600.JPG Landed it144 views5 commentsjuandesooka05/24/21 at 11:58juandesooka: with straps, you woulda nailed it.
IMG_6793_800x533.JPG 93 views2 commentsjuandesooka05/18/21 at 16:29juandesooka: I couldn't the "world's sketchiest ...
IMG_3573.jpg 121 views1 commentswindMat05/09/21 at 13:33juandesooka: awesome speed blur
IMG_1843.JPG Would you wear a leach on the foil board169 viewsPepe Krause is enjoying the airtime at Alta Lake with his Stinger Foil Gear.1 commentsStephan04/20/21 at 12:44juandesooka: Nailed the kick flip landing
Gordonscam~5.jpg Surfs up.106 viewsBig Swell !1 commentsJL04/01/21 at 09:10juandesooka: It's April, fool! Wink
IMG_5371_800x533.JPG 103 views3 commentsjuandesooka03/23/21 at 22:12juandesooka: Cool
IMG_3061_28229.JPG IV NYD 2021128 views2 commentsjuandesooka01/11/21 at 11:37juandesooka: photo credit Grania B Very Happy
IMG_20201030_092254_28229.jpg Gordon's XL207 viewsThanks seazen for pic5 commentsjuandesooka12/14/20 at 11:29juandesooka: photo credit Sea Zen
IMG_20201030_092254_28229.jpg Gordon's XL207 viewsThanks seazen for pic5 commentsjuandesooka10/31/20 at 19:34juandesooka: shore break was intense ... I think it might be th...
P1030066.jpeg 121 views3 commentsshaggy10/31/20 at 19:32juandesooka: yes indeed, and going back out was blinded by the ...
P1030139.jpeg 123 views1 commentsshaggy10/31/20 at 13:25juandesooka: Yeewww thanks shaggy
IMG_1006_800x533.JPG 163 views2 commentsjuandesooka09/28/20 at 10:47juandesooka: Gnarf!
IMG_0723.jpg Wingsurfing Alta Lake Whistler, Pepes new passion263 views3 commentsStephan09/28/20 at 10:03juandesooka: Laughing Smile Cool
IMG_0812_800x533.JPG 166 views1 commentsjuandesooka09/14/20 at 08:26juandesooka: photo credit Grania B Very Happy
IMG_0956_800x533.JPG 164 views3 commentsjuandesooka09/10/20 at 12:22juandesooka: also wimpy, with your hood on during hottest wind ...
IMG_0505_800x533.JPG The Shagman164 views2 commentsjuandesooka09/01/20 at 12:09juandesooka: yeah what he said!
IMG_0182_28229_800x469.JPG 480 views3 commentsjuandesooka08/24/20 at 09:39juandesooka: photo credit Grania B Very Happy
IMG_4425.JPG 120 views3 commentsjuandesooka06/01/20 at 07:35juandesooka: Jeff R rippin' Cool
55 files on 3 page(s) 1