Utah Steve (morning light air on big Sunday)76 viewsC36Jul 15, 2014
Artsy Flo154 viewsA very long exposure of the bridge south of Florence Oregon. It was nearly dark for this once the exposure was done.TheLawJul 13, 2014
Artsy Cape166 viewsWhat else are you supposed to do when you are waiting for the wind?2 commentsTheLawJul 13, 2014
BIG Sunday with Red Baron194 viewsIt wasn't so bad the birds were still out flying2 commentsTheLawJul 13, 2014
BIG Sunday with Red Baron going up the line220 viewsI think they call this logo high...real logo high brah!TheLawJul 13, 2014
You gotta have these shots. This place really is beautiful...176 views...Johnnyman just adds to the beautyTheLawJul 13, 2014
No Swim Required...203 views...when you have 40 knots of wind to punch through the shore break.TheLawJul 13, 2014