Dismissed 4.2, 5 footers all day 2, training wheel session195 views1 commentsKUS
Hey Buddy, that You? God damn, I sure hope so!195 views2 commentsKUS
Nitinaht Falls195 viewsEmmanuelle and Catherine getting the salt water off1 commentsSnarfer
SPOct 2195 viewsNice to watch Eastside get a couple of nice long wave rides today.1 commentsrvanderbyl
Cook st April 29 2013195 viewspics by Deniz Bekisicurumba
Eastside using up what's left with his new toy....SE 28...go figure195 views1 commentsKUS
biggest crowd of the day- doing the salmon thing195 viewsdickhead kiter in the middle, the only one, everyone else was so respectful & sharing the water it was crazy2 commentsKUS