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Gordons_cam875.jpg 122 viewsbwd
Yan.jpg Jan122 viewssuperdave
122_2286.JPG 122 viewschewy
setscoming.jpg 122 viewsAtlantic lines - PortugalUKshredder
DSCF3595.JPG Rob Warwick @ the Hatch122 viewsPhatBuddhA
_MG_6449_Viv_Kite_BWD.jpg _at Dallas Road, August 2nd, 2006122 viewsMade yesterday. One of the first photos I made of Billy when he came close to where I was set up. Thanks for doing that, Billy. Maybe 100 meters or so away. This is a crop of the original photo. I cropped out maybe half of the photo. Unfortunately although he was making some great jumps later on they were far away making it harder photographically. Glad I made this one.

You can find my photo web page at Mysekai

In the top right corner of each gallery there is a button for slideshows
columbia_beach_093.jpg Monster Monday122 viewsBA
DSC_5238s.jpg 122 views~~~~~4j~~
westward_ho_2008_006.jpg Just playing around on the inside.122 viewsUKshredder
DSC_0092s.jpg 122 views~~~~~4j~~
3-15-09-149.jpg Cook Street March 15, 2009122 viewsbowshot
3-15-09-148.jpg Cook Street, March 15, 2009122 viewsbowshot
Mid_march_lines.JPG 122 viewsUKshredder
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20090625_95s.jpg 122 views~~~~~4j~~
Nitinat_-_july_09_789.jpg 122 viewsGlobe
Kiteboarding_August_25_2009_068.JPG 122 viewsbillman4u
DSC01049.JPG Kelowna September 19, 2009122 viewsmortontoemike
DSC01043.JPG Kelowna September 19, 2009122 viewsmortontoemike
jumps_2_046.JPG 122 viewsskiendhiu
37.JPG LV 2010 Blue Moon New Years Eve122 viewsBK
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IMG_7505stylinBA.jpg 122 viewsogopogo
IMG_1215.jpg Big fat race board122 viewsCore cell - Carbon -Kevlar - Vacuum Bagged
Laser straight rails - We will see what happens!
2 commentsKayakDoc
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