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IMG_3542RyanplayingHURT.jpg 369 viewsogopogo
PICT0867.jpg Sept 29/09 2369 views6 commentsshaggy
426.JPG Getting ready for some extreme kiting!369 viewsCammie, Kus and Grant1 commentsjellyfish
Columbiacam-105806.jpg March 1st '05 Alex or Matt368 viewsbean
PA040028.JPG Cook action Oct 4368 views2 commentsrvanderbyl
Florence_Thurs_July_2_009_011.JPG BWD and RD taking their turn @ latrine duty Surf Camp #1368 views2 commentsjellyfish
IMG_1831Dianne.jpg 368 viewsogopogo
IMG_1431.JPG 367 views2 commentswindaddiction
DSC_8621.JPG Nov 2 westcoast367 viewspasta action,...4 commentsicurumba
P8090015.JPG Colin going off366 viewsMy shot of Colin going for a back roll with a kite loop thrown in.asscrack
IMG_9955RyanbikingtoCook.jpg 366 views3 commentsogopogo
Columbia_Beach11.jpg Columbia Beach September 25th 2010366 viewsSome images of the Windsurfers at Columbia Beach in Parksville. See the full-sized images on my Vancouver Island Photography Website1 commentsbradpowellphoto
DSC02976.JPG A nice photo of Nicole...365 viewsbwd
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Gordonscam~0.jpg Hostile takeover of Gordos cam #2 ?365 viewsSure ... They wait until BWD is S. of the border then in comes the heavy equipment !!!1 commentsJL
20100408_CloverPt_0881.jpg Kook St.365 viewsAs you can tell by this perfectly timed photo, after trying all day, Winddoc and I nailed the circus jump. Nice nice nice. Honest. Photo courtesy of Randy.4 commentsnanmoo
IMGP0247.jpg 364 viewswullis
IMG_5503.jpg Houston, we have a problem363 viewsKUS
bear2.jpg Dairy bear at Nitinat363 viewswondering where all the campers have gone2 commentsSandy Beach
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Cookcam2-5-1800.jpg 363 views2 commentsbwd
IMG_3667.JPG Hovercraft at Pipers363 viewsHad a visit from the Coast Guard at Pipers. I guess there was an elderly lady on the beach with a medical situation during the bathtub race. Someone had a marine VHF and could see the hovercraft at five fingers so he called them in. They beat the ambulance by a good 10 minutes.

Sorry if this isn't the best place to put the photos. Let me know if there is a better spot.
1 commentssaulman
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IV_-_Joe_co-pilot.JPG Joe - co-piloting361 viewsThanks, Grant for the 'arm holding' method. Worked well.Sandy Beach
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