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161323DSC04960-L5B15D.jpg Kus at work....322 views4 commentssnapper300
IMG_2145.JPG Art in front, Kus in background321 viewsHaving OP fun just before the 50knot gusts hit!! : % Insane!!
Later tailwalking on flat 3.5, big waves, yikes!!
Ian Summer 06 nat strom 07 020.jpg 321 viewsWinter StormToner
Cookcam2-Aug182009-135538.jpg Ogden Point Breakwater321 views4 commentscolin
1135790789_DhxjD-L.jpg Superdave I.V. Dec 23321 viewsOnly half way thru..... but I just had to upload this one now.
5 commentssnapper300
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IMGP1891b.jpg 320 views1 commentsMartyD
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Cookcam-0.jpg Good Signs :)320 viewsToo windy for the Parasails, just right for kiting!1 commentsKite Kook
2015-11-23_21_05_22-1.jpg There was a time when this was cool ...320 viewsLake Winnipeg summer 19856 commentsSnarfer
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18209 files on 759 page(s) 45