South Swell242 viewsThis was taken in August with perfect side shore conditions. Got the blog back up and running again - commentsUKshredder
BWD Movie night @ RVYC242 views1 commentsskywalker
Kiting has really hit mainstream!241 viewsI bought a chocolate milk, and found Ronald McDonald kiting on a surfboard! unhooked! and using a pulley bar it looks like!
Ronny is hardcore!8 commentsWindePendanT
Web cam house241 viewsWho knew….all those cold windy days I spent framing this place 20 years ago or so that a windsurfing webcam would be mounted here one day?2 commentsrvanderbyl
10 knots / 14.5 FLITE / MAKO 130241 viewsFirst session with the FLITE. Satisfied with the performance & cruised upwind on the baby MAKO.3 commentsJL