Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 1130
This Year: 70
Saturday March 10, 2007
Columbia Bch, Windsurfing
Saturday March 10, 2007
Toys Used:
Columbia Bch, Windsurfing
SSE 15 - 23 1 footers
1.00 hours
RRD FSW85 238cm Ezzy SE 4.5
Not what I was expecting but at least we got something. Arrived at noon with Wingnut to 5.0 conditions. Then it dropped and we waited, and waited. Then saw the locals go out on 5.0's, so we tried. Good fun for a while. Not epic, but some good loop ramps. Tried some sad vulcans. Lots of angry sea lions and lots of rain. Super low tide.
Can't trust the model or EC gale warnings anymore. I guess we need a storm warning now?