Log Started: Tuesday October 5, 2004
Total Records: 416
This Year: 0
Friday March 23, 2007
Columbia Bch, Windsurfing
Friday March 23, 2007
Toys Used:
Columbia Bch, Windsurfing
SE 25 - 37 Nice
2.00 hours
Starboard Acid 77 8'1" Ezzy SE Wave 4.0 Ezzy SE Wave 4.7
:D Another great day at CB, although it was hard to drag my ass out of bed at 6 am after yesterday but it was worth it. Rigged the 4.7 but should have started on the 4.0 - that place is always windier than it looks. :shock: Bean gets the keener award for his dedication. Good turnout today. Morewind I thought you were coming today- couldn't get a kitchen pass?
I could have been on a 3.5 for about an hour when the wind peaked. Ran out of gas and had to quit earlier than I wanted. :oops: