Log Started: Monday November 1, 2004
Total Records: 52
This Year: 0
Saturday May 5, 2007
Island View, Kitesurfing
Saturday May 5, 2007
Toys Used:
Island View, Kitesurfing
SSE 15 - 22 small outside chop
2.00 hours
Litewave Freeride 136 Globerider Sonic 11.0
Best sail I've had this year!
Probably should have used the 14 though.
Was signing alot by the end of the session, but still holding ground.
Mad that I missed yesterday, but today made up for it.
Good to see Joe out, saw the green OR. Thought it was JL comming back for more. But alas.. NO it's Joe! I like how you always leave saying
"See you tomorrow."