VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • How we use the University of Washington Wind Model - Page 8
Page 8 of 16

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:14 pm
by tailspin
Yes it would be a shame to lose such a valuable resource. It is a real important area specific tool, with a very accurate forcast model that is used dailey by guides and sportfisherman alike all over the island. The long range forcast is a great feature and proves much more accurate than EC forcasting.

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:46 pm
by mblomquist
Like all the other wind addicts that already have responded I depend on the UofW/BWD forecasts to plan all my vancouver island sailing time. If we lose access to these forecasts I will be forced to spend more time driving for less probability of wind. Thanks for all the effort BWD.

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:50 pm
by Gord Baines
I use BWD's tables often. It has to be stressed that the number of posts on this topic represents a small fraction of actual users. My brother-in-law is a golf course superintendent in Victoria and I know he uses BWD's forecasting tools.

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:29 pm
by jlaffin
I'm on Hornby Island and I use it almost daily to check what the wind will be like for slope soaring and kite buggying. I'd hate to lose this excellent resource.

Julian Laffin

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:15 am
by MikeH
I became aware of this site when I became interested in kiteboarding but soon found out that not only kiteboarders and windsurfers use it. Not only does it help me organize my wind addiction around school and work, but outside of these sports, I have found that people are using it for Safety reasons since it is undoubtedly more accurate then any other forecasting tool available in this area. Those that I have found to use it include Pilots, Sailing instructors, surfers, fishermen, and have found that even yacht sailors on the Oregon coast look to dave's site for organized data. Any trip unrelated to kiteboarding that I have made south of the boarder since that day I became interested in kiteboarding has even been dependent on this model. Please continue to share this information, I know that people would be very upset to loose access. I would also hate to see this site forced to make a profit if dave decide that we cannot do without the model to offset costs and close to non members. I can guarantee a spike in interest of this topic if the data is lost and that these posts only represent a fraction of those aware of it. It seems that donations and sponsorships to this site barely surpass webcam, webcam internet and wind meter costs in our area, and if there is extra then I do remember that dave taking votes for the next project. This is why we received an Island View wind meter last year. Although very skeptical because of all the costs already associated with this site, i hope that dave does personally make a small profit in the form of a reward for his time spent. Dave is very dedicated to us and does a very good job at his volunteer position.
I can sense that this is a stressful time for all regular users of this site. Please allow us continued access to your data so it can be put to good use.

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:06 am
by b. klobchar
Donation made. Keep up the good work!

Re: How we use the University of Washington Wind Model

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:59 am
by jimbob
BigD wrote:
Hi everyone, sorry for the model forecast problems. I'm away right now working and after a 13hr day today I was able to spend a few hours on it. I know what the problem is. The U of W banned my home computer from accessing their website due to overuse. I was able to fix it temporarily using a proxy but it might not work. So I'll have to contact the University of Washington to try and straighten things out next week. Maybe someone can start a forum thread about how we use the model and you can post if you find it useful. Otherwise it may disappear.
I check your forecast link everyday even though I live on the wind deprived mainland. Thanks for all your hard work Dave :!:

Anyone else care to elaborate on "how we use the model and you can post if you find it useful :?:


Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:29 am
by monk
I love this information and over the years have found it more accurate than what EC provides. I particularly like the wind models which capture the winds forecast for the Crescent Beach area. When the ridge is to the west of the island and pumping "westerlies" down Juan de Fuca, we here in the White Rock area ride that southwesterly push as it hooks in to the lower mainland. This info is very subtle as we are talking about an area less than 2 square miles. This forecast has been extremely accurate in predicting winds in this area and becomes very helpful. Kiters and windsurfers are not the only users of this information made available through BWD. I once spoke with tug boat captain who referenced the use of BWD forecasts, echoing our frustration with EC forecasts.

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:35 am
by springer
Excellent website. Look at it daily and use the wind prediction when planning a fishing trip.

wind model

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:03 am
by dunkinguy
The model has replaced almost every other weather predictor for me. I use it before windsurfing, surfing, fishing or even a hiking trip. It seems to be the most accurate for our local conditions. I love it and check it every day!

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:24 pm
by duffer
Use your site all the time for forecasts for a safe fishing trip it sure is accurate!!! Appreciate all the work hope it continues thanks!!

wind model

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:54 pm
by Uncle Grande
I am a new boater who is still not the bravest when it comes to being on the water in big waves and big wind. I was given the web address for BWD when I first got the boat and I find that I feel safer knowing that I have a good idea what the wind is going to do before I go out. I have not been out in the boat once without checking BWD at least once a day for three days before I go out. I will continue to pass on the address to others not yet using this site. Thanks BWD.

UW wind model and forecasting

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:42 am
by theocl
I access your forecasts at least daily for use in cycling and sailing on the Greater Victoria and southern gulf islands areas and am "spreading the word" about your site and efforts amoung my compatriots. Many thanks for your efforts; hope you're able to keep up the good work!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:01 am
by geo_tonz
I always check BWD before I head out in the boat. Great resource and another layer of safety for small boaters! One of the only sites that actually has data for the exact places I fish!


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:35 am
by jono
For travel on Vancouver Island I find the forecast as INVALUABLE to know where to do and when. They serve as my personal travel advisor, and without them many weekends will be ruined! PLEASE KEEP UP THE GREAT WIND FORECASTING!!! :D :D :D :D :D THANKS!!!