VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • Swap meet and work party/Nitnat - Page 2
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I am heading up to nitinat on sunday ]

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:39 pm
by AC
If any one would like to help I have a big truck Big chainsaw.
pullies and some rope.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:45 pm
by KUS
driving up the beach during lo tide :P :twisted: who needs outhouses :roll: or picnic tables......all of a sudden maybe Knob Pt's very rough road doesn't sound so bad either. Maybe scout that out too with a shovel while yer there, AC :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:32 pm
by themorb
I tried Knob point last year and succeeded in removing the muffler from my car (probably because it was a Civic with 4 passengers.....)

Yes, the road is fairly rough but it certainly wouldn't be that bad in a truck. The only big (huge) stumbling block is the washed out bridge a few miles before the campsite. I guess with a really extreme Jeep or ATV you might be able to get across.... mind you that was in August with little water in the creek. At this time of year it's probably pretty deep.

On the logging road map it sort of looks like there might be an alternate route over/behind that mountain but I couldn't find it.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:46 pm
by KUS
yeah, I know. But whole lot easier filling a creek crossing than removing Stanley Park-like fallout i figure. The road behind actually goes uphill if I recall and is dug out I think :?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:03 pm
by more force 4
Quick update from Paul Tataryn:
GOOD NEWS they have lined up a salvor and are working out details with MoF. The salvor thinks that there is enough value to do the logging and at least some road repairs. BUT he cautions that a single cut in the wrong place can turn a log from worth money to firewood. It will cost 3 x as much to clean up the site if they don't have the salvage money, plus its dangerous, so please stay away for now. Depending on what Ditidaht want to do, its very very likely that they will be calling for volunteers to help clean up the site after the salvage is done; don't worry, there will be lots to do still! Still have a May 1st opening date planned, I guess the volunteering would be before that.

edit: I hadn't opened e-mails all day, Judi Thomas sent me one stating similar stuff, but talking of a mid-May opening. THe campsite is officially closed due to public safety and liability concerns.

If anyone wants campsite e-mail updates from Judi, I guess post here and I can e-mail your them to her (or she can get them herself when she reads the thread).

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 4:17 pm
by downwind dave
Thanks for the updates Morley!


Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 7:44 am
by Windsurfish
Sounds like things are progressing. Thanks to all involved - lets get that special place back in shape so the wind machine can do some good instead of wreaking havoc. :D :D

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:54 pm
by themorb
With all this sunshine and talk of wind at the lake, I can see people taking matters into their own hands and going up there with some chainsaws............. unless there is real progress being made?

If nobody's interested in salvaging the wood then it doesn't really seem to matter if the trees are cut in the "wrong spot" making them worthless. They're worth something to us as campfire wood!

I say the campsite managers print off some liability waivers for us to sign and let us in! Summer's just around the corner!

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 2:38 pm
by kitesurferdale
Out of curiousity, how many people have actually ventured out here during the winter to see how much damage there has been to the park?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 2:39 pm
by more force 4
Geez, morb, read my March 24th post again. THere IS someone to take on the logging. But a few unauthorized cuts and they might drop the contract, and we might be stuck for a couple of years with no camp. After the dangerous stuff is out there will be a need for volunteers.

Day trip and walk down the beach?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:24 pm
by kitesurferdale
Hey MF4 could you pm me Pauls T. # as I am going to inquire about the salvage contractor, there is yet to be any action.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 4:11 pm
by more force 4
I've heard second hand some more info on the salvage. Here's what they had to say:

So I talked to Paul, he has a salvager from Qualicum lined up, they are indeed waiting for a timber licence from Forestry. So I called the fellow looking after the licence in Port Alberni at the forestry office. He basically said they are working on it, the salvager should have a copy of the licence to sign and send back in for final approvement by next week. This I interpreted to mean that the permit will be issued probably within 2 weeks (barring any unforseen circumstances). Once the permit has been formally approved and issued then we are at the mercy of the salvager to come in and do the work. Talking with the fellow from Forestry, he figures it should be ready to go by May long weekend, Paul seemed to think maybe a litter earlier. The good news is that things are progressing so hopefully the campground is ready sooner the the long weekend.

Also in my conversation with Paul, the cleanup/salvage is for the trees, all the debris from the limbs etc etc will more than likely be piled or left for the "volunteer" base to clean up or burn. At least there will be vehicle access by then.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:14 pm
by ~~~~~4j~~
Thanks for the update.

I haven't tried the knob point access. Exactly how rough is it? Perhaps if someone is in the area they could take some photos of the creek crossing and other difficult sections to show us all what we can anticipate. What kind of substrate is the streambed at the crossing? We don't want to cause excessive siltation of the stream with lots of traffic, or cause erosion of the streambank.

Also, how is the parking and launch on that side? Is it really a viable alternative for the meantime?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:48 pm
by KUS
Not for the masses it isn't :? Six-eight cars, 10 people and the place is full, tenting only, maybe a few more at the old landing area, poor van camping. Launch a kite tricky at best, likely have to swim out, slippery for windsurfer. No outhouses, two or 3 tables. Not sure which creek Morb means but there's a few sinkholes I know about and a small washout which would call for non-ferrari types :roll: Thinking about heading in on a motorbike in May, we'll see, gotta buy one first :lol:
The easiest would be to give a call to Fred Sieber, his house is just before there. 8)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:22 pm
by ~~~~~4j~~
Thanks Kus. It sounds like it may be fine for a SUV. Photos of the knob point access and the site are still welcome!