VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • Skinny Mast Recommendations? - Page 2
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Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:20 pm
by KUS
My 2 cents:
1) I have never broken an RDM, I have never heard of anyone breaking an RDM, I have seen three broken RDM's in windsurfing videos all related to guys getting pitched in 3 feet or less of water.
2) I have had many many days when I need to rig two different sails (and keep them rigged or not wanting to derig just to get the mast out), sometimes with the same length mast, sometimes with a 400 and 430. I usually carry 2 400's and a 430. I wouldn't think of having 3 parts to I can "save" hauling one half a mast around. If I ever did break one, I'd order the new top or bottom half. Done.
3) I would never mix and match different brand masts. Chances are I WOULD then break the mast as they are usually non-compatible, if not because of bend characteristics, then because the fit at the ferrule will likely be poor.

You can never have too many masts 8)

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:11 pm
by ~~~~~4j~~
Good insights Kus.

The Severne 370 RDM arrived today. Looks great. I practice rigged my 3.5 on it...waaay better/softer than on my 400 SDM (IMCS 17 vs. IMCS 19)! The sail actually flexes at the top and I can downhaul it without excessive force. It is also nice to only have a short bit of mast (<30 cm) sticking out of the top of the mast sleeve. I'm looking forward to using this setup!

The mast came with a rubber shim for the boom. Unfortunately, my Chinook clamp doesn't fit in the shim's channel (1/2 cm too big). I think I'll pare down the top edge of the channel of the so it will widen the channel width. That said, I believe the Chinook instructions say that the boom fits skinny masts. I don't really like the idea of not using something to cushion the mast. I like the industrial hose idea. Out of curiousity, who clamps their boom directly to their RDM?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:20 pm
by Wingnut
I never use a shim with my skinnies and I am using the Chinook booms that work on any size mast. Also, I can't think of anyone I sail with who does either, and most of us use Chinooks. As far as I know no one has had any problems. :)

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:53 pm
by KUS
no shim for me either except when I used the old clamp on my carbon windsurfing hawaii courseboom one as it needed it but I switched the clamp over so it fits both now. I now only have the rubber innertube to protect the mast and keep it from compressing the fibers and prevent wear/boom slippage when doing one of my patented superflat landings :x
I know what you mean regarding the width/length of the boom shim not fitting, it's a pain, I have a shorter gaastra one that might fit into your boom space. But if your clamp doesn't need it, chuck the one you got. I expect the days of the clamp that needs a shim are over :wink:

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:28 pm
by bwd
KUS wrote:My 2 cents:
1) I have never broken an RDM, I have never heard of anyone breaking an RDM, I have seen three broken RDM's in windsurfing videos all related to guys getting pitched in 3 feet or less of water.
I broke my Ezzy RDM in Florence 3 yrs ago....yes skinny little me. It was a light wind day. I went out with my RRD and 5.0 and was the only guy planing. I caught a good wave and got greedy and rode it too far down the beach. Heading out a huge set came and I tried to punch through but it hit me like a wall. It broke the mast about 6" above the boom. I'm pretty sure it was the impact of the wave that did it and not the mast hitting the bottom since it was deep and it broke right away. Knocked the wind out of me too. Luckily the Ezzy rep was at Flo and sold me a new bottom piece. I love the Jetty...

I don't use a shim either. I found them too annoying to put on. All I get is light scuff marks on the mast after a few years.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:48 pm
by winddoctor
I never use a shim either with my Chinook booms. No slippage and only minor scuffs as well.

By the way, I arrived at the Florence Jetty after many hours of travel from Victoria to see Dave holding his Ezzy 3 piece mast just after the cage match with the wave. Pretty impressive. He ain't called Big Wave Dave for nuttin'. The old, broken section of the mast did make a good didgeridu though.

Dunkinguy also broke a skinny in Hawaii, I believe. He says he got worked on an off the lip, but I think he just tripped and fell on it when he noticed that the Moreno twins were living next door to where he was staying.


Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 6:44 am
by duckbill
I have been using a rubber shim for a couple of years and still get light scuff marks. I don't think it makes any difference

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 3:50 pm
by ~~~~~4j~~
I tried my Severne Blade 5.0 with my new Severne 400 RDM yesterday. What a difference. With my SDM no matter how much outhaul or downhaul I couldn't get the bottom batten to clear the mast. The RDM works better for that, and overall gives better performance...better range, handling and power! It handles the gusts with ease now. I wasn't too impressed with this sail before, but now I love it!

I too found the mounting system for the Chinook boom works well without any shim. Thanks for the advice guys!

I did notice the lack of flotation when flipping the sail in the water. A minor inconvenience.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:53 am
by KUS
~~~~~4j~~ wrote:I did notice the lack of flotation when flipping the sail in the water. A minor inconvenience.
:lol: that's cuz u r supposed to flip it OUT of or above the water :idea: 8)