VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • Johnny Read's last blast - The Big Bang - Page 2
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Johnny's last blast

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:45 pm
by Iggy
We need a licensed pyrotechnician to buy this stuff & sadly he reqiures a permit & liability insurance to set it off.
I'm meeting him today to scope out a site, I'm hoping for a beach launch somewhere between the stairs.
The permit requirements are 300' clear all around so Clover or Holland Point may work too.

These things can carry a couple of ounces of cargo each...

AC, how big is your boat? I'll ask about a boat launch.

Hold your cash for the time being 'till we sort out the details & dates.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 4:44 pm
by BK
Ha Ha... This is going to be fun!!! Count me in too...

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 5:14 pm
by Wingnut
I'm in. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:25 pm
by mshepard
I'm in

johns big bang

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:48 pm
by Ed
I'm in for whatever it takes. miss you John Ed

Johnny's last blast

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:21 pm
by Iggy
Met with Don from AFA Fireworks tonight, we're planning Finlayson Point for the set up & launch site.
We can rope off everything south of the sidewalk.
Plan for an evening BBQ/pot luck/beers, wait till dark & let er rip... 55 ( one for each of Johnny's years) smaller white flares, then all 5 5" rockets go up at once in John's last blast.

Johnnys last blast ,,

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:56 pm
by Bones
haha.. Johnny would love this ,,, i'm in ,,, Tony

Pyrotechnic blast for "cannonball"

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:00 pm
by kitesick
Great idea. Im in for $40. Let me know if you need any other help. Cheers, Darwin

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:39 am
by Elizabeth
Great idea... we're in! - Trevor and Elizabeth

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:25 am
by gmac
I'm in. Picture Johnny's eyes buggin out as he says "Rockets!"

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:38 am
by winddoctor
Perfect! Steph and I are in too. Love it.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:48 am
by shelley buchanan
I think Johnny would say "WOW" :lol:
This is perfect, keep us posted on timing, and dollars.
Go Big!
Absolutely!! I'm in Shelley B :D

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:23 pm
by TheLaw
Count me in!

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 5:02 pm
by Iggy
I'm in for $50

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:47 pm
by more force 4
$25 for me. When is this to be?