VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • BWD Site Fundraiser: KA Sails Auction - Page 3
Page 3 of 4

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 6:10 pm
by G-Daddy
Bring it on home to papa!

Just added 50$ to the pile... great cause. Thanks for all the work that goes into the site BWD. I've been using it daily since moving to the island. An essential utility.... just like water, power and heat.

Thank You!

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 6:18 pm
by bwd
Okay I normally keep quiet about such topics but I feel I have to give my side...if anyone really cares about this. I only wanted to disclose to people that part of the donations (a large part actually about $360) was going towards paying for two KA logos to be put on the website. Instead of paying the normal monthly amount for the logos, the fundraiser would raise money to help pay for the advertising and any extra would be given to the website. So I really wanted this fact disclosed since it was not a simple sail donation with no strings attached, as many I assume believed. I thought $360 should be subtracted from the total of the donations. Unfortunately when I asked for this to be posted it was met with a lot of anger which seems to have disappeared now from the above posts. Oh well. I do appreciate all the effort that Kus has done in fundraising in the past.

At least I learned a few things in this whole process. I should speak up at the beginning and disclose where the money is going in a fundraiser like this. I also have to work out any advertising agreements before things get underway. I failed on both of these and things got messed up. This may be "politics" to some but they are important details that should be worked out ahead of time. I guess I never thought I'd have to deal with this stuff when I started a simple weather website, and it is probably the reason why the site won't be around forever, for me anyway.

Please don't respond to this, it is just an explanation of how things have developed. There are many more important things going on in the world to talk about.

And THANK YOU to everyone that has donated,

More Motivation

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:14 pm
by KUS
Yes, I sanitized my anger outburst, it had no place on the site.

My apologies, I guess I felt things were or could have been a bit simpler than they turned out. Frustrations got the better of me and in good hot-blooded German fashion I let it show in full color :oops:

I am sorry, hope Dave can forgive me, grovel grovel grovel :(

I have updated the donations table below, thanks all 8)

Past $1,000!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 8:58 am
by Mike D
Open up the goody bag Kus, we are over the 1K mark!!!


Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:15 am
Hey Dave 50 bucks in the mail GW

Bring on the draw

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:23 am
by Mike D
Added $105.....I am feeling lucky, lets get the party started!!

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:28 am
by KUS
updated as below 8)

In for2

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:30 am
by Wavos Rancheros
Wavos Rancheros is in for 35-2 Good Luck Everyone! T-90 minutes...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 5:42 pm
by KUS
Hi All- this is the final list, please check if your name and ticket numbers are accurate for this "KA/ BWD fundraiser" 8)

MortonToeMike - $50 - 3
MF4 $100 - 7
Penguin - $20 - 1
BigD - $55 - 3
TheLaw $50 - 3
Windwoman $50 - 3
4J - $20 - 1
Grandma Jo - $20 - 1
Winddoc & Steph - $100 - 7
RainX - $50 - 3
KC7777 - $40 - 2
Wingnut - $20 - 1
Keen - $40 - 2
Johnnyman - $50 - 3
MMMike - $52 -3
G-Daddy $50 - 3
Gord Baines $52 - 3
Arturo $50 - 3
RVanderbyl $50 - 3
GWind $50 - 3
Mike D $105 - 7
Wavos Rancheros $35 - 2
PimpHand $20 - 1
Eastside $52 - 3

Total $1179
Odds to win: 3:71 or 1:24

To increase motivation for others to join in: We reached $1000, so there will be two smaller surprise prizes added to the pot for the 2nd and 3rd ticket drawn :wink: (please note: you can only win once though to spread the wealth :P )

Woohoo, nice going everyone!! I was hoping to get some people together to draw but given our wind drought, not sure how or when this would work best. Can anyone make it tonight to the Smuggler's Pub in Cadboro Bay?? Or are a few people attending Giles' party tonight?? Pls post on the memoboard, thank you. Thanks all for the participation!!! Looking forward to rewarding the winners! :twisted: :!:

:!: :!: Also please note my 2nd to last edited post if you didn't already


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:16 am
THANKS to KUS for all his work past and present. 8)

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:49 pm
by KUS
Bummer CB didn't work out today....well, 2 knots right now even if it comes up we'll need headlamps I think, can't justify driving 4 1/2 hrs for 6.6 sailing in the dark :evil:

So: Okay, new plan :idea: Anyone wanting to do the draw, I need witnesses pls, attend the Smugglers Pub in Cadboro Bay at 7 tonight?? Dave, I would love to have you do the draw! Thanks all!!

See some of you there I hope 8)

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:46 pm
by KUS
I added a 4th prize just to have more people win stuff, thanks for the enthusiasm, all :twisted:

So here it goes: RainX was my attending witness, the beautiful Sandra and Michelle were the wonderful assistants to the big draw.

And the GRAND PRIZE WINNER IS: (Drumroll please) KEEN for his choice of KA Koyote 6.6 or 5.9 or KA Kaos 5.3 sails as listed :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

2nd Prize: KC7777 for a size L Windsurfing Hawaii White w/ black Wavesailing Waist Harness
3rd Prize: MF4 for size 16-19" Windsurfing Hawaii Adjustable Harness Lines
4th Prize: Grandma Jo for a Windsurfing Hawaii Standard Diameter Mast Medium Downhaul/Extension

BTW: If any winners wish to pass on their prize, we drew four more names and in that order they will receive any declined prizes. I will update should this occur 8)

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:38 am
by more force 4
Kool, Keener kaught a KA Kayote or Kaos! The alliteration is too much! Kongratulations! I never win anything, thats great! I am looking for some new harness lines, but those are a tad on the short side for me, so I'll pass (unless the other winners want to trade prizes for the sail or harness :wink:) and share the joy with a 5th placer!

Thanks Kus, that made it really fun to donate!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:51 am
by Keen
yep I'm stoKAed... :D

thanks again Kus!

Surprise Prize

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:55 am
by Gramma Jo
My goodness, this is fantastic -- I won a prize and something I can really use too!! I'm doing a happy dance today :) :D :lol: Congratulations to Keen and the others too. Thanx Kus for adding the fourth prize and Dave for working out how all this could happen. What Fun 8) and now I get to meet Kus too -- aren't I lucky :?: :twisted: :wink: Gramma Jo