VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • kiteboarding accidents / safety tips - Page 7
Page 7 of 20

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:04 pm
by BK
Gwind... I don't think you realize the fact that a lot of the new kiters don't care what we have to say! They want to prove to the world how "EXTREME" they are...(Wrong Attitude!)
They see us experienced kiters out there having fun and making it look easy and automatically they think they are competent enough and have the right to sail out there with us!
Time after time again, they have been told of the dangers of Cook st., winter winds...etc... But they go out anyway with complete disregard and arrogance of what they have been told!
We have tried to organize a group to discuss these issues, but only 3 people showed up... Pretty bad when there were a lot more people saying that they would be into that sort of idea. So NO not all of us are sitting on our hands in our armchairs!
I think it is too late to avoid the "surfer attitude" as some have put it! It seems to me that there has recently been a line drawn in the sand and if you are not on the right side of it, it will be a long and shitty summer for you!
I don't want to see any beaches get closed and I sure as hell don't want to see anyone get hurt out there, but if there is going to be continued lack of respect towards ettiquite, conditions and common sense, then I suggest you new kiters stay home!!! Natural Selection will eventually take it's course! It is only a matter of time before someone gets killed out there!

Oh yea

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:24 pm
Oh I am way past getting it BK, we spend a lot of time at Nitwit Lake and that place is a disaster. But, it's not only the learners, it's a general attitude I believe, including the schools. NO RULES- I'LL DO WHAT I WANT.

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:30 pm
by BK
You are right... the lake is getting out of hand!!! But unfortunately I can't speak for the schools... We can only hope that they can incorperate this bit of education into their courses.


Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:54 pm
Hoping gets you nothing. Only action gets results.
OK BK I'm counting on you to start the AGRO movement. Keep me informed.

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:19 pm
by more force 4
I guess I haven't been around when some of the blatantly dangerous activities have been going on, especially this winter. It seems pretty mellow and safe most of the time compared to Florida, where I was the ONLY kiter with a helmet of about 50 kites out, probably >half newbies. I've mentioned before, NOBODY there launched their kites towards the water. My instructor said to me that another pupil was 'thinking too f*ing much and he should take drugs, he'd do way better with a buzz on'. I don't know what its like in Baja, DR etc, but I think we need to keep some perspective while preventing mayhem that will lead to closed beaches (and in Florida, many of the best have been).

I think the single biggest problem at Nitinat is having the kites upwind. That developed historically with kiters going way upwind to get some space, when they couldn't go downwind and the windsurfers don't want to be upwind as there is too little wind in close. I think now much of the attraction for kiters of that area is being outside the 'controlled' park and it being party central. I don't see how the situation there can be changed, but it would be great if the newbies could launch at the downwind end. I've seen too many loose kites blowing downwind through all the windsurfers, sometimes coming onto the camping beach with kids and families in danger.


Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:27 pm
MF4 we don't need perspective, we need AGRO and respect from people. Sounds like they are losing there beaches in Florida, and they are still stupid.

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:49 pm
by KUS
JL wrote:Tugwell is NOT a beginner kiting spot ... Gusty & deceivingly strong west winds , rocks , trees & cabins are down wind !!!
wow, this is now quite the thread. JL I guess perception for me is lotsa room at Tugwell, easy wade into the water, light gentle steady winds from the SW....and yes, you do need to have a certain skill for this place too.. and, yes, 12m, as I weigh 213-220 and like these lighter days :roll: 8m would be a laugh for me and I'd be on a 4.7 ripping it up on the windsurfer...I like the agro part, Gwind, it seems to work at JR :idea: too bad not enough early agro toward JR's timber ....ah.... real estate company :roll:

No. 2

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:29 pm
Kuster is on board Team AGRO. YES :shock:

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:40 pm
by 240
Hey Reuben,
Its interesting that you don't recognize input from "Experienced Kite surfers", but request experience operating a chainsaw. So why not apply the same logic you do for kiting, read a safety thread on the internet, grab a helmet and fly at er. Experience over rated!

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:40 pm
by JL
Gwind : I've kited & windsurfed for decades & have never felt the need for 'AGRO' ... I don't even know what it is ... I help kiters & windsurfers whenever I can ... We all share a love of wind powered water sports ... Kiting can be a safe, fun sport if a few precautions are followed. ( avoiding innocent bystanders, using a safety leash, letting go if overpowered on land etc.) Please don't label me as a risk taking freak just because you watched some idiot on 'you tube' !!! And if we start posting signs & rules in public areas none of us will be allowed access ... Can't we all just get along !!! ... 0x1024.jpg p.s.: I've had it with the negativity on this thread ... If my name is mentioned in any slanderous posts I will delete that post ...

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:36 pm
by nanmoo
Why doesn't everyone leave this debate behind and just go back to windsurfing. CASE CLOSED!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:05 am
by kitesurferdale
UMMMMM...if I were to come up to you and start yelling at you ... calling you names.. or even attempting to damage your equipement I wonder how you would react. I personally would probably engage in a violent way and never respect or listen to a word you have to say from there on and it would probably make me want to act in ways not indicative to safe sailing. I DONT think there is a need for "agro", rather just a simple understanding that is supported by the general windsport population...if you are sailing unsafely, disregarding applicable and appropriate advice from others experienced to give it or just being a plain jackass then the community of people do not allow that person themselves to be there, definately dont launch them. I totally agree with JL and MF4 in the fact that kiting can be safe, yes there is always a risk in sports and kiting itself is no different. Everyone has a different perspective on what is safe for them as well....this has been a topic I have discussed too many times to count at the campground, typically due to misinformation, fear or lack of knowledge of the sport.

I think if enough people were to engage in a particular persons activity then there is a better chance that person will consider what is being said....power in numbers.

OHHH yeh, um an experienced person with a chainsaw already tackled that tree.. now a stump to where it is unsafe to attempt to further cut it without putting themselves at risk.v :D


Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:06 am
by 240
Was that you in my garbage can last night Gwind? I keep the empties in the garage.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:19 am
Oh a little defensive are we, keep sitting on those hands.

THAT was me 240, got your old hustler mags.

Thanks for deleting my post, Hmmmm freedom of expression. Peace

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:32 am
by JL
Enjoy the Sunshine ... 8) Don't go blind ... Play safe