VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • BWD Wavesailing Camp... - Page 7
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Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:52 pm
by KUS
Oregon ve go! :twisted:

bummer about your shoulder, Moo :x

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:09 pm
by KUS
Well, the Oregon Coast trips were amazing, the sailing days were 17 of 18 with I think 19 sessions, what a year :twisted: I skipped the Gorge end of things due to the chop/pain/heat.

I will try maybe for a September Coast one just to clinch my last trip before I get a new hip which will put me out of commission for a long time :cry: maybe also out for any macho activities from there onward, sure hope not.

Thanks to all sailing buddies, old and new, for keeping the stoke up :twisted: and making these trips so fun 8)