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Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 8:44 pm
by wade
Anyone out there know how to tell if Tofino is going to go off?? Best way to predict it? Thanks.


Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 10:18 pm
by Kiterkliff
just got back today. Was out at cherstermans yesterday on my 13 in gusty but powered up condiions. Went up to long beach after session where there was some action going on. Ran into 2 dog and some others but was real gusty too. Winds were forcasted to hit 50knots overnight with 8M swell. Waves today at long beach were Big and dirty no one out not a kiter or surfer too be seen. impressive waves though on long beach!

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:03 am
by wade
Hey Kiterkliff. We just met a couple weeks ago in Penticton at Skaha beach. Is there a way to forecast Tofino as far as wind goes that you know of? We are headed to the Island for the last half of July but were hoping to get away from Nitinaht and try some other spots. Any info would be appreciated. Take care.


Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 2:28 pm
by Kiterkliff
Hey wade hows it going,
I am not totally dialed in on Tofino as some of the other guys around but what does work for me is that its usually prefrontal for the bigger winds so I usually watch the weather maps closely. there are some good weather links at
If its sunny it tends to be a bit lighter with the seabreeze kicking in sometimes.
If your heading to Nitinat let me know, im always around either at Nitinat or L. Cowichan.

Re: Tofino

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:39 pm
by Guest
Kiterkliff wrote:just got back today. Was out at cherstermans yesterday on my 13 in gusty but powered up condiions. Went up to long beach after session where there was some action going on. Ran into 2 dog and some others but was real gusty too. Winds were forcasted to hit 50knots overnight with 8M swell. Waves today at long beach were Big and dirty no one out not a kiter or surfer too be seen. impressive waves though on long beach!
Hey man
we kited Long beeach in AM
and a wicked great ses at N chestermans at about 6 on a 12
great conds.
long beach was good but a hell current draging us down wind
cheers Brandon