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Ocean Rodeo Only

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:13 am
by Tyler
Ocean Rodeo is running a Jaun De Fuca Kite Board crossing. Pretty cool except your not allowed to go unless your on there program. I glad that a local company has such local sportsmanship. I wonder if the charity that they are runing the event for know that many people are excluded from entering.

how about a kite for cancer crossing?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:34 am
by ocean rodeo kit owner
We (kiters ) have talked about this before, a sponsoured event that donates the proceeds to the BC Cancer fund. I am sure everyone has been effected by the Cancer epidemic, lets all cross and make it a good event?
Why only Ocean Rodeo?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:45 am
by Guest kiter
if Ocean Rodeo are sponsoring (hence coughing up some cash) they can pretty much do want they want, besides it's all going to a good cause. Welcome to the world of corporate donations, you donate money to a good casue, the tax man cuts you some slack and you get media coverage (hopefully) that would far outweigh what you get ever get in adverts. Everyone wins...
P.S. I am a Naish kiter

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:47 am
by Ross
Hi Tyler,
You should really get your facts straight before commenting. Maybe try using the phone and give us a call-544 -4969- instead of using the rumor mill.Ocean Rodeo is SUPPORTING a charity event organized by Daniel O`Sullivan. He is doing this as part of his commitment to becoming a fireman. Seeing as safety is the main concern he decided to limit the number of people to coincide with the number of rescue boats he has avaliable. It`s not a race.It has taken him much time and effort to organize. If you really want to help, then make a donation.
Best Regards, Ross Harrington

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:06 pm
by guest kiter 2
Where can i find more information on the crossing?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:07 pm
by Tyler
I think this event is a great idea. I like the idea of donating to a charity. I fully respect limited riders to keep the event safe. What I am saying is its better to promote a sense of community than individualism. Most events all over the world have limited space thats why they have qualifiers. Qualifiers that earn more money. I know this isn't a race so a regular qualifier might not apply. Why not see which riders can earn the most in pledges let them ride and the other riders pledges could be donated. I don't know the best solution but I don't think that kiteboarding in Victoria needs to become cliquey.


Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:21 pm
by Casual Observer
Sounds like it already is.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:45 pm
by Another observer
It seems to me that a kite-crossing of 18 miles of open ocean should only be attempted by those with a HUGE amount of skill, experience and local knowledge. I fully support it being restricted to those involved...look at how much they've already done for the sport. I think the rest of us should support and encourage them in every way we can.

Cliques and Cancer and Kites

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:02 pm
by Yet Another Observer
They will have that support, I am sure. Meanwhile, until this thing goes off, perhaps changes are possible?

Dan and the whole OR group all seem like reasonable people. Perhaps if someone steps forward to ASSIST Dan, more boats can be secured, thus allowing for more entries. Entries could be limited to those having X many years experience or a certain level of skill. Additionally, If there are more than a certain number of people wanting to go (after the core group, whoever that may be) perhaps more qualified kiters can enter IF they can secure pledges of a certain size, or by lottery method if necessary.

IF there is some issue about kites (and since I haven't talked to OR, I doubt that there even is) they could potentially allow entrants to use OR demo kites or what have you. But I seriously doubt that is even an issue here.

The more qualified people there are, the bigger the event is and the more money can be raised. Of course, the more people that enter, the more complications can ensue.

Ultimately, there is nothing preventing others from organizing a similar event. Perhaps this forum can be a starting place for those who wish to do so.

Peace! :)

something else to chew on

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:05 pm
by another guest
the other thing... unless you have ever tried windsurfing or kiting 18-19 nautical on one tack for a couple of hours in swells or whatever the strait decides to serve up..ain't as easy or comfy as it sounds.....i have...50 started the crossing 15 finished..some it took 8 hours the fastest 2hrs and 15 mins i was some time ago..i came in 11th 2hrs 20...lots of fun but i hurt for weeks afterwards....nuf said

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:20 pm
by Tyler
This is my last post. Me and Ross have chated. I think there was a bit of miss understanding. I apreciate Ross's concerns. I don't know if changes will be made but I hope you guys have a great event either way. I am glad that this has come up, because it allows us to think about others on the water and to not discriminate for what ever reason.
Ride On


Re: something else to chew on

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:20 pm
by kiter
another guest wrote:...50 started the crossing 15 finished..nuf said
Hmm... So given those odds, and the similar drop out of the Florida-Cuba crossing (quite different, mind you), perhaps it would be a good idea to increase the number of qualified entrants to make it more likely there will at least be some who actually make it across!

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:52 pm
by Ross
Thanks for calling Tyler.
This crossing is a fund raiser for the childrens burn fund.It is not an event. It is one persons (Dan O `Sullivan)attempt to do something charitable out of the goodness of his heart.To raise money for a charity requires a corporate sponsor ( people won`t give you donations unless a business is involved)and hence Ocean Rodeos involvement.We make no money , Dan makes no money , childrens burn fund hopefully (providing we do the canvasing to raise money) gets money. If we don`t cross the strait , or even go 10 feet, the childrens burn fund still gets the money. People like Dan should be applauded for putting his time and energy and money into doing something that benifits those less privilidged than ourselves.If people really want to help then make a donation to childrens burn fund or any charity for that matter.
If people are interested in having an event then I suggest as a group of local kiters we should get together and arrange an event( this is the thankless work part about doing these sorts of things) do draw awareness to the pollution that we play in and a solution.
On a different note, I just want to point out my concern (worry) that I have regarding peoples safety. We`ve been very lucky so far not to have had a serious life threatening accident locally .YET. We can only have so many close calls before something bad happens. Stay away from large immoveable objects (reefs, rocks , logs etc..) As they say , an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Distance and common sense are the prevention. Help out the newcommers, teach them so that they can teach others. We will all benifit. Thanks. Ross Harrington

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 2:28 pm
by Timmy
How come Ross and Tyler are the only ones to use their real names here?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 2:37 pm
by nobody knows me
Timmy wrote:How come Ross and Tyler are the only ones to use their real names here?
because i want my message to speak for itself.

and because only tyler and ross have the balls to do so!