VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • Kiting in Puerto Vallarta
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Kiting in Puerto Vallarta

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:23 pm
by Ryball
I'm heading down to Puerto Vallarta late March for a week and would like to get some days on the water. Anyone ever kited there? If so, what size of kite do you recommend for that time of year? I'm guessing wet suit isn't required either. If anyone has been there, any info you can tell me would be appreciated.


Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:35 am
by Jens
I was there last year for the last two weeks of march. I had a 16m C-kite and a 9m OR-one. Out of 8 days kiting I used the 9m only once, so big kites is the go. Buserrios just north of PV is where most people kite. The wind is side onshore(almost onshore) and flat water. There is a beach 5-10km north of there, where I mostly kited that is side shore with some swell which is more consistand. I saw some local kiters there on the weekend. Just drive north from Bucerrios and you will see it on the left off the highway before you drive up the hill towards the Palladium hotel where I stayed. The wind is fairly consistand in the afternoon and gets stronger towards the summer. I mostly surfed since there is a good right in front of the hotel I stayed at and I didn't have a car for the first week. I might go back this year around the same time staying in Bucerrios, so I will do more kiting. Let me know if you have any questions and maybe see you down there.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:18 pm
by Seakelp
Punta de mita for some side off wave action. Take the bus to punta mita but get off at La Lanchia (awesome place to spend the day) and follow the trail to the beach about 10 minute. If you stay in Nuevo Vallarta anywhere around that beach is good but flat. Go to Bucerias for some cervesas and check out that Irish pub. Have fun.
ps. Where are you staying?

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:43 am
by Ryball
Thanks for the info. My kite is a 12m so I may look into a bigger one before I head down. Is there anywhere to rent gear there? I'm staying at the Hacienda Hotel and actually doing the trip with some old friends to booze it up for the week but figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and get some solid days in kiting.