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Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:07 pm
by voodmon
Ok, so we have a flu pandemic according to the WHO who is no longer taking statistics for the said pandemic, interesting don't you think since they declared a level 5 pandemic ? well only if you think. On august 28th 2008 Baxter a pharma giant took out patent protection in the usa for it's HINI vaccine yes ! 8 months before things started happening with Barrack Hussien Obamas visit to to mexico in april this year..does something smell fishy? you bet! check out if you can who is on the board of directors of baxter, check out who are the major shareholders etc, ..we all know about the tammil flu vaccine don't we? who are the major shareholders there? Donald rumsfield, Barrack Hussien Obama et al..need i say more.. this is a scare tactic people, the vaccine is not safe in any means of the word, it contains mercury, squaelene and much more and they, yes those the bilderbergers led by the old man David Rockerfeller, Henry KIssenger etc have a population reduction agenda. This swine flu in reality does not exist... the HINI was made in a US weapons lab, it is a combination of the 1918 flu, an encephalitus and a pneumonia bacteria, the flu itself is actually not that virulent, it is the vaccine that is going to kill millions. So what ever you do, since this vaccine has not been tested and the pharma companies are now free from lawsuites.. refuse it at all costs and i mean all costs this pandemic is not real. And GWind stop making this soo personal, can you not think outside of the box for even 10 seconds!