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new on the island

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:19 pm
by kiteida
Hi! I arrived at vancouver island a couple of days ago, and are really eager to get into the water! BUT i´m alone, and it would be very nice to get to know somebody and have someone to kite with! i live in fairfield, close to the centre, and close to a pretty sweet kite spot.. anybody? :)

laters, ida

New to Vancouver Island

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:38 am
by Seabass
Good day kiteida,

I'm in the same boat as you. Except I am new to the sport but still would like to get to know some people. Don't worry, it seems like the guys (and girls) practicing the sport here are really nice. I just found the "Kitesurfing Vancouver Island" group on Facebook but seems like it hasn't been used for the longest time. Maybe trying to get this group going again? Anyhow, we'll keep in touch.


Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:17 am
by KUS
you meet people at the beach, not online :idea: no probs and welcome

spots right now would be Gordons and the Nitinat Lake. Cook street (generally considered a no newbies spot) will get going again in fall.

The latest reports page shows which wind direction works so you will soon know where people are sailing. See you at the beach 8)

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:55 am
by Vik
We need a monthly Victoria Kiter Pub night!... :D

Canoe Club? - beer & kite porn?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:06 am
by Teabag
Wednesday Wings night at Flying Otter (Best tasting BBQ, Hot, and Jamaican Jerk wings in town, they are big to!!!)


Tuesday Wings night at Beagles Pub (Best Blue Moon and Sweet Chilli wings in town)

is an excellent choice to :)

definitely down for pub night!

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:11 am
by kiteida
yeah, man i´ll send you an email! you´ve gotten addicted yet? :)

I totally know that the beach is the best place to get to know people, for sure. it´s just that i´m not super familiar to this place yet, so i would need to know where to go (wherever i´m headed actually..) and i am pretty sure of where to go regarding kiting here in victoria, but i´m not 100 % sure. so to have at least one kite bud from the beginning would be cool :) what wind site do you guys use here? and what´s that spot here in victoria called? And is it south east wind direction that is side on shore here? looootsa questions!

Besides, i´m riding a bike with all the gear (guess i´ll have to walk some days too), so it would at least be good to know if there actually are people down there when i head out. not really keen on being the only one, nor dragging all that gear down to the beach for nuttin´.

and yeah, as the headline says; just mention time and place for the pub night, and i´ll be there! ;)



Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:42 am
by KUS
kiteida wrote:not super familiar to this place yet, so i would need to know where to go .....what wind site do you guys use here? and what´s that spot here in victoria called? And is it south east wind direction that is side on shore here? looootsa questions!
keep reading this site :lol: it's all in the forecast, latest reports and WIKI pages, one stop top shelf shop :wink:

Vik, windsurfers like pubs too :roll: kite porn not so much :idea:

Re: info

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:59 am
by Vik
KUS wrote:
Vik, windsurfers like pubs too :roll: kite porn not so much :idea:
Hey I went to the windsurf movie porn night at the Canoe Club... I may not have the muscles to man handle all that gear... :wink: , but I do appreciate skills on the water no matter what the format they are displayed in... :D

Besides drink enough beer and you won't be sure what you are watching nor will you remember much of the evening anyways! :shock:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:01 am
by Vik
Teabag wrote:Wednesday Wings night at Flying Otter (Best tasting BBQ, Hot, and Jamaican Jerk wings in town, they are big to!!!)


Tuesday Wings night at Beagles Pub (Best Blue Moon and Sweet Chilli wings in town)

is an excellent choice to :)
Sure - I'm not fussed...we should pick one and talk to them about setting aside a table and showing some wind porn on their TVs.

Based on your enthusiasm Ian I think you are the man for the job!... :D

We should have a pub night next or never the summer is almost over... :evil:

Re: definitely down for pub night!

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:03 pm
by cguygo
kiteida wrote:
Besides, i´m riding a bike with all the gear (guess i´ll have to walk some days too)
Nice! another Biker/Kiter... (Biter?) The stairs at cook st. are a bit of a pain but just consider it cross training. Let me know if your Biking to Gordon's, I can give you some tips and save you some headaches. :P

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:51 pm
by Ed
It's not windy here,you're misinformed!


Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:06 am
by kiteida
hehe yes, i guess i´m another one of these biters :p there is wind at ogden today!

Cook street tips

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:31 pm
by skywalker
Kite Ida,

Saw you on the beach today- I had the 14m with Cguygo.

Having just arrived here and gotten used to it myself, i have some top tips for Kook St. that might help you figure it out sooner.

-the cliff casts a wind shadow by creating a "cushion" of wind. That cusion pushes the wind up over the cliff often bypassing the beach entirely. On light days, to get out of the wind shadow walk up the beach after launching your kite to the rocks on the right (if you are facing the ocean). Once you are 100m off the beach you usually get clear wind

-The wind shadow is worst near the jutting point at the far left of the beach. You get in that corner and you're guaranteed to be walking back up. Ask Cguygo why we call it 'Colins Corner' and he will be happy to explain.

-you want to watch the trial island "latest reports"

-There are large rocks under water close to shore at cook. Find out where they are at low tide

-Never jump close to the beach.

-The nearest liqour store is at the cook street village.

That's pretty much all I learned in one year of kiting here. Everyone is really friendly so have fun.


Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:34 pm
by skywalker
Vik wrote:
Teabag wrote:Wednesday Wings night at Flying Otter (Best tasting BBQ, Hot, and Jamaican Jerk wings in town, they are big to!!!)


Tuesday Wings night at Beagles Pub (Best Blue Moon and Sweet Chilli wings in town)

is an excellent choice to :)
Sure - I'm not fussed...we should pick one and talk to them about setting aside a table and showing some wind porn on their TVs.

Based on your enthusiasm Ian I think you are the man for the job!... :D

We should have a pub night next or never the summer is almost over... :evil:

TeaBag- Make it Happen!! (just not wednesday!!)


Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:42 pm
by kiteida
Thanks Luke :D Appreciate the info :) See yah soon!