Tks Joostio for the pics, nice work you did!!!
Update on Sauna:
Huge thanks to everyone helping out and Brandon for the tools. The carpenter from Vancouver and Poey for taking the lead.
Unfortunately lots of piece were missing for the Sauna, and not knowing that the door was going on an angle, (as seen on Sauna # 1 and 2 picture) it made for very weird angles...
To top it all, the 8 foot wall on the outside (west/wood side) now has a "6ft addition to it.... That was to accommodate our mistake of putting the door parallel to its left wall as oppose to on a ~45 degre angle as seen in #1/2 pics.
And the piece that f##k us all up was the back wall... We all remembered that was the back walls because of the door in the back that Herman would put the stereo in and some wood. But none of us remembered the triangle on top of it, and we all thought that who the h??? will put a triangle on it just for fun. Its got to be this way... Thinking of it now I think that that top triangle goes there but incline maybe, which would make the back roof? But it was put straight for storage?
So it went up like this.
(pictures later)
Bottom line: The Sauna frame/shape is now WAY TOO HUGE. (way too much volume compare to Hermans sauna, wont be able to achieve much heat even if extremely well isolated). We didnt know till seeing the pictures...
Anyway, if some experience wood workers want to take charge, please do so. You ll have lots of people that want to help, and follow what you say.
Peter think that it would be better to use the old stove and keep the new stove for a possible future, much simpler Sauna. (rectangular, with roof higher on the back, lower on the front). Like this less job to do.
If anyone with wood working experience want to step up / take charge, feel free. You ll have lots of hands willing to help out, even if we dont have much experience we can still screw stuff, hold stuff, bring this, bring that, etc... We could "unbuild the roof structure", put the door on an angle like the old one and improvise a simplier roof, much of the height on the back, going straight down. Using scalvage stuff and super cheap plywood sheets since
this would be the last year using Hermans wood/setup. No "Beauty needed", just make something work since much the wood will be scrap afterwards.
Unless we have someone like Herman in future years, if the Sauna happens again it should be rebuild from scratch in a smaller, simplier, uglier and idiotproof design. So 2-3 person could put it together in a few hours. And secure it easily in September.
I guess thats it.
(Marty and Dwayne have all the lath, tarp, and other stuff to cover the inside if ever the sauna is done)
*** -> Easy, cheap, quick and dirty solution? Would that work? -> ***
Keep everything like it is right now, lets just use remaining plywood for parts of the roof and tarp the roof, ugly but oh well.
Then put "tarp walls" inside to reduce volume inside. (some 2 X4, not even a wall, put the tarp on it with the lath). There would be a void space, no twilight, but who cares, at least there will be a sauna.
Hopefully the Sauna last for July-Aug. Have a last night Sauna on the Friday Labour day weekend. Start and complete salvage of it on the Saturday/Sunday asking for volunteer to help out. Burn whats not salvageable, store what is salvageable.
My 2 cents