VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • Oregon Wavesailing Trips 2011 - Page 10
Page 10 of 13

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:31 pm
by Seakelp
Windsurfing is AWESOME!!!!!


Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:35 pm
by KC7777
So after making us "lake sailors" feel inadequate about not hitting the Coast and after reading your Oregon you say Nitinat can be super fun again! I'm SO confused.

Actually Windoc, Kus, nanmoo et al....all good advice/comments and I enjoy reading your Oregon logs and seeing the pics. I'll be there one day soon I think.

Windoc - really good points in your last post. The reason I am getting tired of just going back and forth at Nitinat is because I am not trying anything new. When you only get to sail 10 days or so per year on boards <120L (and sails < 6.5M) it can be tough to learn new stuff -- it is difficult just to get your jibes back after 9 months of no sailing. But whether it is tacks, carving jibes, clew first sailing there is lots to be trying there.....actually going back next week for a day or two.

PS - unloading some bigger sails so I can revamp the "freestyle" end of the quiver.


Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:10 pm
by mortontoemike
Right on Winddoc.

I learned how to clew first water start. sail clew first, do a pivot gybe, and last year, was working on duck gybes to spice up my Nitinat sailing. I still have to learn how to do a lay down gybe and get a decent chop hop. I see guys throwing tricks and I think that maybe I can try a few of those too. So much to learn. Nitinat is a marvel.

P.S. I have a buddy who has basically given up windsurfing and taken up kiting because he hasn't been able to nail a gybe after 4 years of trying. He's hoping kiting is easier :) ... hope he doesn't read this ..... :oops:

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:12 pm
by Seakelp
We're going back to the Gorge next Wednesday but as soon as the coast looks good we gonna be hitting that b. Anyone still down there? Or going?


Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:05 am
by Randy
I plan to bring my camera to the coast - leaving Sunday July 17. It'll help me 'hunt the pack' if you post your locations. I'm thinking of staying 2 weeks but don't know if I should start at PR and work north or go the other way.

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:12 pm
by Wingnut
I'm hoping to leave on Fri. nite or Sat. morning and heading to PR.

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:22 pm
by winddoctor
Randy, we're hoping to be in Hood River (Gorge) for July 28th-Aug 1st. We'll stay in touch.

Hood River

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:50 pm
by BigD
Good thread, I've been feeling like my sailing level has been a bit stagnant too but I'm still having a blast whenever I get out. Just got a new 86L board which is the smallest I've sailed and found it to be very comfortable in 5.5 conditions and below. Time to sell some of the bigger gear and maybe plan a trip to the coast for next year.

Last week I was trying a few duck jibes and still working on nailing regular old jibes. Headed to Hood River from July 14th to 21st, hopefully there are some other locals there and the wind is good.

No plans to take up kiting anytime soon, gonna try some new stuff this summer and see if I can't take my sailing to the next level. See you on the water!

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:22 am
by more force 4
And some of us (JanetFish) are now so used to the coast conditions they can talk about "relaxed logo high" waves. :shock: :lol:

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:04 am
by KUS
I hope to bring my two older kids (14 & 16) and perhaps wife and youngest (12) from 24th (17th) to Aug 10 (3rd) if I can manage to shift my vacation week to these later dates.
Hoping for Florence and some Hood River, if anyone has budding surfer or boogie boarder/trainer kite kids or a wife that equally hates camping in motorhomes that could be a fun thing :idea:


Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:27 pm
by KC7777
Hey Kus,

I think we are in Hood River from Aug 6 - 11.

Will have a 12 and 14 yr old good surfers/budding windsurfers and a wife who dislikes camping......all staying in a tent at Maryhill.

Likely hitting Hood River for Mon - Thurs this week too - solo trip.


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:47 am
by Randy
The wind forecast for Oregon (and elsewhere) looks dismal. Does anyone think The Gorge will be useable given the lower temperatures? I'm thinking of pushing my trip back until the red returns.

Re: Aug

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:12 am
by KUS
KC7777 wrote:Hey Kus,
I think we are in Hood River from Aug 6 - 11.
thx, having no luck so far with rescheduling my week :roll:

Randy, check ... which I find is good for forecasting the Gorge, sounds like perhaps the desert is the place for a few days, there is wind, just not very heavy stuff :idea: whatcha doing up at 530??

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:14 pm
by Randy
Thanks KUS, that's a perfect site for me. I will PM you later today.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:18 pm
by Randy
I'm booked for the 0610 (Jul 17) Coho & hope to be in/on the Gorge later in the day. I'll probably stay at Mary's for a few days then head to Pistol on Wednesday. The wind forecast is for 20-25 knts on Thur, Fri & Sat. I intend to be back near Hood River for the end of the month/into August & hope to meet up with wind addicts then (or before).