VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • Windsurfing lessons - Page 2
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Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 6:24 pm
by KUS
see, if we had only known about you when this was circulated and several others like you it'd be a done deal :wink: well, maybe. As it is it stalled cuz there is nobody who is willing to park a trailer in their sideyard in OakBay or close by (nor did I find a decent one) and a Van costs insurance of at least $600/yr. .

I still think a cheap van is a good idea since it doesn't have to travel far and just needs to start (battery issues). I keep looking for THAT and have found one in Duncan which runs on propane we could also use for a CB Machine in the winter (as it is an ex handydart).

Problem is $3500

So, ah, no, nothing's come of it except several piles of used no longer in use gear is rotting in various basements..... :oops:

New Van

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 7:17 pm
by AC
Iceco behind the ford dealership has a few vans they are selling for 2000$
They are in perfect shape and have natural gas conversions on them
but still run on petrol as well.
Worth checking out if you need a reliable van"
may be not the most comfortable for those long road trips.
but i am sure they will do the job"

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:45 pm
by KUS
So the Van/Trailer idea is on hold but my brand new AHD learner board has arrived, got another light wind board coming (SeaLion), still got my WindGlider and getting a couple more older ones into service.

I plan to hold beginner intro sessions on an informal basis and any helpers/gear that choose to come out would be great.

My "introductions" to the sport are free of charge, all you need to bring is a wetsuit, a PFD and some booties/gloves if you need.

We'll see how it goes. Right now I have four people interested, more welcome.

First Day hopefully this Saturday October 17th, Willows at 11ish at the Teahouse if the forecast holds with its N10-15 :idea:

OK, raining but now SE10 forecast so it's still ON! :wink:

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:05 pm
by KUS

3rd day hopefully this Saturday October 31st, Willows at EDIT: 930ish at the Teahouse if the forecast holds with its W10-25 :idea: Most of the small group are surfers who don't mind the colder weather.

I have one windglider rig for those balance challenged and one 170L beginner board rig, attendance has been sporadic and few so I don't anticipate needs for more gear at this time.

Anyone wanting to participate is welcome and/or to help out would be appreciated.

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:37 pm
by more force 4
OOOOh, surfers, get some of those SUPers to drop a rig on and become windsurfers too -- hasn't the industry been trying to do that for years? Good luck. I'll come by with my Kona if I get a chance - it is going to be a busy weekend for me though.

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:28 pm
by KUS
more force 4 wrote:I'll come by with my Kona if I get a chance - it is going to be a busy weekend for me though.
well great but, pls confirm or u may find nobody there if everyone cancels :?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:37 am
by KUS
perrrrfect learning day today, bit of sun (at least right now....) , relative warmth, light SW breeze.

CU Newbies at Willows, pls private message to confirm for 1000ish start or I will go back to bed :roll: :wink:

Saturday Nov 7

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:46 pm
by KUS
Day 5 The list is growing, hope to see some of you out tomorrow.

Saturday November 7th. Willows at the Teahouse at 10-2:30

Pls confirm if it looks like you can make it so I can adjust for gear etc..
C ya. Markus

PS: any helpers welcome, pls confirm with private message in case it gets changed. M

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:57 pm
by KUS
well, the weather guys are a bit confused to say the least….it's supposed to be blowing W30 knots right now in the Strait but I see E10, go figure. So, based on that not sure what to believe but they call for increasing to gale SE tomorrow so I can start at 0900 and call it around 1300 or when it gets too strong (and I wanna go sailing :) )

Pls confirm (or cancel) for tomorrow, hope some of you can make it, I would like to have at least 2 confirm by 8 a.m. or I'll have to cancel.

I have the second glider holding air again, hope that stays like that and also a smaller 125L board on line if needed by more advanced guys, we'll see if it shows up. Bring a tarp/heavy rain gear and a thermos of tea or something, and gloves if you got 'em to stay warm during breaks. It's still pretty ok on the water when you are active.

Kiwanis Teahouse, Willows Beach, Parking lot 0900. C ya there :)

PS: any helpers welcome, pls confirm with private message in case it gets changed

Saturday November 28th

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:07 am
by KUS
Hi Windgang- Well, last Saturday sure was a bit too windy/wavey for the new pros and some of the learner gear but today is supposed to be just right, SE15kn mellowing to 10 by early afternoon. We'll see.

I plan to be at the beach today, Saturday November 28th, same place and time. Please confirm if you plan to attend.

Again: Bring a tarp/heavy rain gear and a thermos of tea or something, and gloves if you got 'em to stay warm during breaks. It's still pretty ok on the water when you are active.

Kiwanis Teahouse, Willows Beach, Parking lot 0900. C ya there :)


Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:42 pm
by KUS
Day 13 :twisted: Had another great day today at Willows, 3 Newbies tried themselves and succeeded cruising around in the sun in light winds on the Gliders. Four others got a rigging, whattaya need introduction and are stoked, over 35 people on the distribution list. Lots others couldn't make it today but hope to next time.....the group is growing.

Anyone into lending a hand feel free to PM me :D Will continue trying for Saturdays at Willows :idea: Looking forward to a lot of newbies at the lakes this summer :arrow:

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:42 pm
by KUS
Day 14 tomorrow after last week's Sunday utter calm :roll:

Willows Tea House, 10ish

If nothing else it will be gorgeous at the beach, c'mon out if you like, pls confirm with me via PM cuz I need at least two confirmations to head out with all the gear 8)

beginner sessions .....

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:40 am
by monkey boy
anymore of these sessions coming up?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:23 am
by KUS
well, we skipped two Saturdays there and now have taken a Spring Break, if you want on the dist list, see usedvictoria and send me an email 8)

Windsurfing beginners intro

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:36 pm
by KUS
Tomorrow (Saturday April 10) yet another great beginner intro day: expect it will at least be sunny if not warm and there should be a Northeast to Northnortheast breeze in the early afternoon, say 12-3pm.

I will confirm in the morning with those interested if it is Willows Beach or Agate Park beach (which is a small road leading in from Cordova Bay Road just past McMorran's Restaurant. Please send me a private message email. If it is NNE then Agate is the only place that would work well, any NE would be okay for Willows however and I would prefer that venue.

Pls let me know.

Cheers. Markus