VANCOUVER ISLAND WINDTALK • Money for nothing, at Nitinaht - Page 3
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Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:32 pm
by skywalker
TO offer some perspective- Sombrio is managed by the province, and is in identical condition to Nitinaht.

And I noticed the TP was stocked most of the time I was at Nitinaht. So great job.

On the whole, a good experience. Its not the shangrila, its way better.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:31 pm
by mortontoemike
Well I'm coming tomorrow. Bumpy roads. TP or no TP. People who do or do not collect fees. It's a piece of heaven no matter how you slice it. See you dudes and divas on the beach! Time for Toe baby!

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:34 pm
by cguygo
somebody spent the day trimming the excess foliage the day we left on Tuesday. He didn't look like a volunteer.

money for nothing

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:48 pm
by lud
Listen to Bob Marley!!!
Do you people want to turn Nitinaht into Green Point ,When you leave any food thing in your campsite you get fined, do it twice and you are out.
40$ a night and you may as well forget about dropping in without reservations.Rules Rules and no second chance. :evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:03 pm
by more force 4
What are you smoking Lud :?:, I think the quote was from a Bobby Ferrin song :lol: ; though I'm sure the Marley would share the sentiment.

Thanks for the history, Dale, jeez I'd chip in to a fund to grade the road from camp to IR, if we could find someone to do it (probably cost more than a free lunch these days I bet!). That few hundred metres is as hard on my van as the rest of the gravel entirely!

I figure the $12 a night is basically a 24 hr parking fee, and way cheaper than you can get in most cities; though I did mention to the attendant last weekend that I didn't like to pay if there wasn't at least TP in the outhouses. She acknowledged the comment. I still pay when asked of course; and when I've noticed the cans being stocked and cleaned I mention that positively too.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:48 pm
by smartang
I hope the people complaining about TP aren't the same ones rolling up in 50 thousand dollar campers stocked with another 10 thou in gear. Man, common sense and appreciation are hard to come by these days.

Money for nothing

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:03 pm
by lud
8) 8) Ok yor right MF4 but the quot was from Meher Baba

I do have a version Bob Marley on CD [smilie=rauch08.gif]

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:25 pm
by Vik
smartang wrote:I hope the people complaining about TP aren't the same ones rolling up in 50 thousand dollar campers stocked with another 10 thou in gear. Man, common sense and appreciation are hard to come by these days.
+100... :D

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:30 pm
by downwind dave
Hell road = less bigass RVs :x

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:31 pm
by mortontoemike
"Meher Baba communicated variations of the sentiment; fuller versions of the quote – such as, "Do your best. Then, don’t worry; be happy in My love. I will help you" — also incorporate responsibility ("do your best...") alongside the detachment ("don't worry..."), as well as the master/disciple spiritual relationship ("I will help you")."

However, I AM happy and I am not worried. I have my $0.59 roll of TP in the trunk.

चिंता मत करो खुश हो.


Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:27 pm
by arturo
All You campers that don,t like the bumps in the road can bring your shovels and rakes and fix the road, mmight be some good excercise on those windless days , me I like the bumps and the nit nat community and the entire scene and if anyone can,t afford asswipe then there are some large leaves scattered around.....

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:44 am
by KayakDoc
Pondering the Nitinaht toilet paper deprivation debacle I felt an internal movement so vigorously evacuating that non action on my part would result in an exhausting ejaculation emanating in a verbal dissertation decimation such that spontaneous emulation might dissolve activation in aerodynamic participation. Correctively, if access is eminently transubstantiated and intransigent participation reactively imminent then reticulated rejuvenation is vigorously suggested i.e,; if the indigenous community shuts down access lets just hack out access on the north shore.


Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:52 am
Well this thread has turned stupid.
Time to end it for this year.

See you all next year, same topic, same time.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:10 am
by blackdogvan
Great perspective from Dale.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:24 pm
by emearg
Thanks for all the insite on the history someone that has been coming to Nitinat for sometime i have seen the many changes as well, a rough road and lack of TP should be no issue - problem these days is the place is so frigging busy it can be hard to find a spot, especially with all the big trailers and motorhomes that make the trek now and seem to set up for weeks at a time. Even the beach camping is constantly full whereas in years past this was never an issue....SO if a rough road and lack of TP keeps a few people away then lets keep it that way. as for paying 10-12/night whatever, it is supporting the Village to some degree. Now why my 3 person tent with one person in it is paying the same as the 25ft trailer that has a family of 5 is beyond me, most other campsites give the tenters a break and charge more of a premium to the space hogs.
Lets hope for a good summer up there and that the space never becomes too commercialized. I would hate to make that drive and find that there was absolutely no spot to pitch my tent because all the "designated spots" were full.