Pt.Holmes 03/21/25

 mayday - Wingfoiling

 Friday March 21, 2025 1:01 PM

 Spot Comox Spit
 Conditions SE 15-20, chop, swell
 TOW 2.0 hours
 Toys 115 quattro drifter
6m duotone slick
5m duotone slick sls
1220 reedin flight attendant
 Details Absolutely perfect conditions for an hour or so - steady 15kt SE, nice waves. Just me and neighbor Mike the kiter out front. Got light after an hour or so and even had to paddle in the last 100m. Got the 6m and had another short session practicing turns before it dropped for good- kind of glad because I was cooked! [from Session Log on Friday March 21, 2025]

50 km
Leaflet | Map data: © OpenStreetMap

Speed (3s average)

Speed knots km/h
Avg overall 6.1 11.2
Avg in motion 8.5 15.8
Max 14.5 26.8
Max 100m 13.5 25.0
Max 250m 12.6 23.3
Max 500m 11.9 22.1
Max 2s 14.4 26.6
Max 10s 13.7 25.4
Max Alpha (500/50m) 11.3 21.0
Avg Foiling 10.5 19.5

Times and Duration

Start Fri Mar 21, 1:01 PM
End Fri Mar 21, 3:12 PM
Duration 02:10:02
In motion 01:32:22
Paused (< 3 km/h) 00:34:20
Foiling 01:05:35
Not Foiling (< 8 km/h) 01:01:07
Longest Foiling Segment 00:16:04 (5.3 km)
Last Calculated Fri Mar 21, 3:42 PM

Track Information

Distance 24.3 km
# Trackpoints 7797
Avg Trackpoint distance 3.1 m
Number of Turns 28
Foiling Turns (> 8 km/h) 15
Foiling Turn Percentage 54%

Category: Wingfoiling Yesterday
Created Yesterday

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