RB - Chasing the Shadows
Bobson - Windfoiling |
Friday March 21, 2025 1:44 PM |
Spot | Ross Bay |
Conditions | W 8-13, Soo flatttt |
TOW | 0.8 hours |
Toys | 1263 Slingshot Phantasm Foil PTM-926 |
280 Slingshot Stabilizer PS400 | |
872 Slingshot Phantasm Fuse | |
82cm Slingshot Phantasm Carbon Mast | |
6.0 Sailworks Flyer | |
130 Slingshot Wizard | |
Details | Chased the wind out to Sidney but was too holey and flukey. Saw Ogden was 15ish so headed into town. Arrived to RB and it was pretty light, maybe 8-10kts. Decided to wait, 5 mins later, a couple gusts came through and Windoc showed up and so did the wind and apparently some dog pee' Wind looked 10-12kts so decided to rig. Anyways, rigged up a pretty tight 6.0m Sailworks Flyer and my Medium sized foil (1263cm2) my go to because all I need is a 10-12kts gust and I'm golden. Headed out and timed it right as there was a gust almost as soon as I stood up on the board. SWEET!!! Headed out and it was pretty light 8-12kts for the first 30 mins, then Rupp + TunaCan show up and stood on Goat Mountain for awhile so I yelled obscenities at them each time I came in close to shore. Apparently that got Rupp excited and he began to rig, TunaCan just scoffed and walked Archie. It picked up a little maybe 13kt gusts....maybe..?? Anyways, I looked and there was a big rain cloud coming and wind was turning more offshore so I pulled the plug before Rupp-Doggy was ready to go. I derigged and headed home as I bottling 60 bottles of wine because someone in our house likes wine. Pretty happy I got some today as heading all the way out to Sidney and being denied wasn't fun. As I left, Ruppert-Dogson was flying in very light wind. Another perfect jibing day, 29/29 and didn't get wet past my hips. This is why I love Windfoiling. BOBSON OUT!!! [from Session Log on Friday March 21, 2025] |

Speed (3s average)
Speed | knots | km/h |
Avg overall | 14.5 | 26.8 |
Avg in motion | 14.5 | 26.8 |
Max | 18.5 | 34.3 |
Max 100m | 17.9 | 33.2 |
Max 250m | 16.9 | 31.3 |
Max 500m | 16.5 | 30.6 |
Max 2s | 18.4 | 34.1 |
Max 10s | 18.0 | 33.4 |
Max Alpha (500/50m) | 15.6 | 28.9 |
Avg Foiling | 14.6 | 27.0 |
Times and Duration
Start | Fri Mar 21, 1:44 PM |
End | Fri Mar 21, 2:31 PM |
Duration | 00:47:20 |
In motion | 00:47:19 |
Paused (< 3 km/h) | 00:00:00 |
Foiling | 00:47:01 |
Not Foiling (< 8 km/h) | 00:00:18 |
Longest Foiling Segment | 00:00:00 (0 m) |
Last Calculated | Fri Mar 21, 7:52 PM |
Track Information
Distance | 21.2 km |
# Trackpoints | 2840 |
Avg Trackpoint distance | 7.4 m |
Number of Turns | 29 |
Foiling Turns (> 8 km/h) | 29 |
Foiling Turn Percentage | 100% |

Category: Windfoiling
2 days ago

Created 2 days ago
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