RB - Chasing the Shadows

 Bobson - Windfoiling

 Friday March 21, 2025 1:44 PM

 Spot Ross Bay
 Conditions W 8-13, Soo flatttt
 TOW 0.8 hours
 Toys 1263 Slingshot Phantasm Foil PTM-926
280 Slingshot Stabilizer PS400
872 Slingshot Phantasm Fuse
82cm Slingshot Phantasm Carbon Mast
6.0 Sailworks Flyer
130 Slingshot Wizard
 Details Chased the wind out to Sidney but was too holey and flukey. Saw Ogden was 15ish so headed into town. Arrived to RB and it was pretty light, maybe 8-10kts. Decided to wait, 5 mins later, a couple gusts came through and Windoc showed up and so did the wind and apparently some dog pee' Wind looked 10-12kts so decided to rig. Anyways, rigged up a pretty tight 6.0m Sailworks Flyer and my Medium sized foil (1263cm2) my go to because all I need is a 10-12kts gust and I'm golden. Headed out and timed it right as there was a gust almost as soon as I stood up on the board. SWEET!!! Headed out and it was pretty light 8-12kts for the first 30 mins, then Rupp + TunaCan show up and stood on Goat Mountain for awhile so I yelled obscenities at them each time I came in close to shore. Apparently that got Rupp excited and he began to rig, TunaCan just scoffed and walked Archie. It picked up a little maybe 13kt gusts....maybe..?? Anyways, I looked and there was a big rain cloud coming and wind was turning more offshore so I pulled the plug before Rupp-Doggy was ready to go. I derigged and headed home as I bottling 60 bottles of wine because someone in our house likes wine. Pretty happy I got some today as heading all the way out to Sidney and being denied wasn't fun. As I left, Ruppert-Dogson was flying in very light wind. Another perfect jibing day, 29/29 and didn't get wet past my hips. This is why I love Windfoiling. BOBSON OUT!!! [from Session Log on Friday March 21, 2025]

50 km
Leaflet | Map data: © OpenStreetMap

Speed (3s average)

Speed knots km/h
Avg overall 14.5 26.8
Avg in motion 14.5 26.8
Max 18.5 34.3
Max 100m 17.9 33.2
Max 250m 16.9 31.3
Max 500m 16.5 30.6
Max 2s 18.4 34.1
Max 10s 18.0 33.4
Max Alpha (500/50m) 15.6 28.9
Avg Foiling 14.6 27.0

Times and Duration

Start Fri Mar 21, 1:44 PM
End Fri Mar 21, 2:31 PM
Duration 00:47:20
In motion 00:47:19
Paused (< 3 km/h) 00:00:00
Foiling 00:47:01
Not Foiling (< 8 km/h) 00:00:18
Longest Foiling Segment 00:00:00 (0 m)
Last Calculated Fri Mar 21, 7:52 PM

Track Information

Distance 21.2 km
# Trackpoints 2840
Avg Trackpoint distance 7.4 m
Number of Turns 29
Foiling Turns (> 8 km/h) 29
Foiling Turn Percentage 100%

Category: Windfoiling 2 days ago
Created 2 days ago

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