Directions to Nitinat - with photos

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Unread post by juandesooka »

tbrown wrote:
Add this to the many stories of idiots blindly following their GPS :(
Haha, this idiot was driving in LA late at night, programmed in Santa Monica into GPS, 10 min drive from as far as Pomona before realizing GPS was set to Santa Monica, TEXAS. :lol: Not LOL at the the time.

I understand that anxiety driving to NN. I have only been there once, end of season, no one else on the road. Feels like middle of nowhere, no idea if right road....then when you suddenly arrive, what a relief. You'll get there next time!
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Unread post by nanmoo »

I paid close attention on my way out Friday, and if you take the North Shore you actually don't make a single turn off the main road until the Bamfield/Nitinat sign which is clearly marked. So for future reference, just stay on the North Shore main until you see a sign saying right to bamfield and left to Nitinat.
Don't forget to bring a towel!
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downwind dave
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Unread post by downwind dave »

that second map is not incorrect, you can get to nitinat by going up the Nixon main and down the caycuse valley. kind of a long way though!
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