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Unread post by juandesooka »

abetanzo wrote:I've heard about some crazy old drysuits that end up being unsafe but I haven't experienced anything like that with the new OR Soul drysuit... even with a zipper not quite closed or a slash from a surfboard fin.. there was only a little leak not like a major submersion..

the death bag apparently was when someone's neck seal failed (older drysuit)... but I figure if you keep your gear in good working order you're not gona blow out your neck seal!

but as for being fully dry... yes they do keep you fully dry... just not when you crash at high speeds or sweat your bag off! and remember it's like a bag over your body so no matter what you're gona perspire a bit!
The downside risk of suit failure is exceptionally severe ... so that's why you don't see many surfers in drysuits. Kiting and windsurfing a little different.

I have the surfdry, which has the 1mm wetsuit on top of drysuit. That adds some security for suit failure. But I think it also means the drysuit bag can't breathe much or at all ... so the sweat issue is worsened. That's my guess anyway.
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Unread post by GWIND »

Some of the older dry style suits are very hard to swim in. If your rig is one wave over, you may never catch it. I wear a dry suit top from MEC. over my 5.4 in winter. Very warm and for me I never seem to get any flush in it thru the bottom because my harness keeps it snug.
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Unread post by DavidM »

Gwind, which model of MEC top do you use? Interested.
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Unread post by GWIND »

Kokatat. Around 200 bucks
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Unread post by abetanzo »

I like the drysuit top idea!! that could be really good to get that extra warmth outta your 5/4 in that NE'er! all winter long!

in the surf for sure you don't want a bag on ya... you want sleek for swimming!

"If your rig is one wave over, you may never catch it"
= true in the winter storms that could get ugly! ain't that another reason why kites are better? always being attached to your kite? unless your lines are FUBAR!
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Unread post by KUS »

Not to take away from that beauty top but..any cheap k-way (if u are old enough to know what that is..was) will do. Got two fluoro orange ones on clear out $20 ea, Atmosphere store, works awesome except don't get a Hood! on it :idea: garbage bag would probably work too :wink:
Last edited by KUS on Wed Dec 03, 2014 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by GWIND »

And your board is attached to you how abe tanzo ? Barb wire
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Unread post by ozy »

Sports junkies usually has cheap used kayak tops . Also wearing a 4 mm wetsuit under the suit is warmer than fleece if you crash a lot and get wet inside . i 'm thinking the wet fleece gets compressed and it's insulating properties are diminished a lot . I even find that with dry fleece . Notice when you get in and unzip the drysuit ? As the vacuum is released it feels way warmer all of a sudden . The wetsuit idea sounds lame i know but a couple of us can attest to this wacky concept working great , besides , it's an extra layer of sea lion protection
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Unread post by DavidM »

Thanks Gwind. Going to look into it.
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Unread post by abetanzo »

two words: body drag?

not making this stuff up: ... 2&start=10
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Unread post by HiyoSilver »

Thanks for all the comments!

A friend of mine told me that there is a difference in surfing and windsurfing suits; being that windsurfing (and kiting too I guess) suits are more windproof and have more room in the forearms. But I read in another source that the modern materials are so much more flexible that the latter is not so much an issue anymore..?
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Unread post by winddoctor »

HiyoSilver wrote:... But I read in another source that the modern materials are so much more flexible that the latter is not so much an issue anymore..?
Old surf suits used to mean forearm cramping when used for windsurfing. Not an issue anymore with new surf suits. Or it could be my forearms have atrophied from lack of TOW :x
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Unread post by juandesooka »

Night and day between wetsuits in last 5-6 years vs 10 years ago +. Old suits were so stiff and inflexible, it was like constant resistance training while paddling...someone pulling on your arms. Now I find there's very little difference between a 2mm suit and 5/4.

I believe that's where drysuits maybe had more appeal, as you could free up from that. But now, with suits so stretchy, there really isn't all that much advantage.

Still, a drysuit is nice on its day...suit up at home, comfortable drive to beach, good to go when you get there.
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Unread post by HiyoSilver »

And what about the zipper in front vs back? Seems like zipper in front provides better neck seal... but would it get uncomfortable while hanging on the boom?
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Unread post by SmallWaveSteve »

Chest zips can be a bit easier to get into zip/up by yourself, but I don't think there's much difference. My winter suits are chest zip and summer are back, I haven't noticed a difference either way
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