Beautiful Nitinaht Discovered by windseekers

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Beautiful Nitinaht Discovered by windseekers

Unread post by asscrack »

Back in the early 80's when windsurfing was growing in popularity in leaps and bounds. Sailors were continually searching for new spots to sail. The wind sometimes carried to their ears, information of new spots to explore. Nitinaht Lake was one of these area's. At this time, only a small group of sailors ventured off to explore, there were only a handfull then. Not the numbers that exist today. Grinding, on a dirt road, seeking wind. Just how much wind could there be?And why there? Could it be, that this place, inhabited by a peacefull people from long ago. Be a constant source of steady wind. These early windseekers,after hours of travel, on a hellish road. Come to a large body of water. Greeted by these friendly people called the Ditidaht, with open arms. The forest surrounding the lake,astounding beauty. And.....Wind...Lots of wind. These windseekers created a unspoken pact with the Ditidaht people to preserve and protect the site out of respect and awe. To this day these people have welcomed us without hesitation. The numbers of folks arriving now to witness the beauty of their land has much increased. And so has thier hospitality. Times are changing,the world is too! Let us as a whole, try to keep Nitinaht as the Ditidaht people have for so long. respect it's wonder, and its spender. I have always felt a soothing presence,a melding of sorts. I hope everyone can. And allways will. :lol:
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Unread post by tempy »

Well said, ... um ... asscrack (it is easier to read than to say out loud to someone). But I digress.

My family and I have been heading out there since 1996 - 10 year anniversary coming up. We went there when my wife was pregnant, and when the kids where 8 / 9 months old. We haven't missed a season.

I have sailed since I was a kid, but my wife only started since we have been out there - and now she is hooked - figuratiely, and hooked in literally - and has "stolen" my wave board from me.

The babies, and now kids always slept better out there than at home. It is a real refuge for the kids - they anticipate going back there every year and seeing their "Nitinaht friends" as much or more than us adults do.

It is my hope that it will be there as a safe, natural place for my kids to grow up and learn to wind / kite surf, ride skull trail or whatever. It is a really good idea for us all to appreciate what a treasure Nitinaht is and to be thankful that the Dididaht allow us to share it with them.
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Unread post by JL »

I was lucky enough to camp & windsurf @ Nitinat since 86'...That was a busy year @ work (expo) & it was great to have some solitary time...I remember taking my wife up there on our first date ( Image)around 90'...I told her that windsurfing was like taking an oath of celibacy...In later years we had a wonderfull time up there with our kids & met lots of great people...Like Geoff it's no longer a 'family' event for me but a father son trip is always entertaining...I will take Dale's advice & avoid the peak periods...Nitinat will always be an important part of my camping/recreation memory.....................................Christopher Columbus was discovered by First Nations.
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by kitesurferdale »

this weekend might be one of those weekends JL, weather looks ok, not too much for crowds yet, campsite fixed up, biffies been pumped.....could be magically delicious (wind that is).
Airtime! whoo hoooo, its all about the airtime...... ok waves rock too!
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Unread post by mortontoemike »

Well said Asscrack. Well said!

BTW. Do you ever get "backwinded"? Asscrack. Backwind. Get it?
I wish my TOW was longer!
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