Remembering Giles Thorpe
Winger: Update on Windsurfing Family: Giles Thorpe has passed away from cancer. Celebration of life is tomorrow Sunday Oct 6th at St Banabas Church 1525 Begbie St in Victoria. Really nice guy that frequented Nitnat for years windsurfing and then kite boarding.
Sandy Beach: This is so sad. Winger, thanks for the message to let us know. I remember Giles as such a friendly and welcoming person. Condolences to his family and close friends.
Bwd: That is very sad news. Thank you for letting the wind community know
Winger. Bones: thanks Dave, didn't even know he had cancer. Another one of the old guard gone. Maybe see you tomorrow
Kus: Thx Dave, it is upsetting news, I made a in memory post but couldn’t stick it within the wiki, cheers to you Giles!
Bones: anyone know what time the service is at ??
Voodmon: What time is the service? Me thinks/thought winger was senor wingate , however I digress, I actually worked on Giles house/ houses and worked on his wine room, my condolences to Winnie and the kids.
Winger: Sorry..3:30pm with reception to follow for Giles celebration of life
Gwind: Damn that’s upsetting. RIP Giles.
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