Wednesday July 21, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Wednesday July 21, 2004
Total Records: 5
This Year: 0
Wednesday July 21, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
Wednesday July 21, 2004
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Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
W 22 - 25
4.00 hours
Excellent Day, Very few people on the lake. Gotta love those mid-week sessions
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Tuesday July 20, 2004
Island View, Windsurfing
This Year: 39

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 975
This Year: 39
Tuesday July 20, 2004
Island View, Windsurfing
Tuesday July 20, 2004
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Island View, Windsurfing
SE 10 - 15 bit gusty
0.20 hours
Starboard Hyperdemonic 125 litres Ezzy Wave SE 6.9m Sailworks NX2 9.0m
:oops: Island View fooled me again. Blowing SE 12-15 when I arrived. rigged my 9.0 then nothing. Derigged, packed up and started to drive away when it started to look good again. Got out, rigged 6.9 but 2 mins after I got on the water it had turned W 0-10 then SE then N then NW all in about 15 mins so I packed it in and left. Unhappy and Unfufilled. It was better than many things but not what I had hoped for.
Next time! :D
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more force 4
Monday July 19, 2004
Elk Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 2
more force 4

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 1008
This Year: 2
Monday July 19, 2004
Elk Lk, Windsurfing
Monday July 19, 2004
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Elk Lk, Windsurfing
W 8 - 20 1 ft chop
1.50 hours
Bic Adagio 107 Ezzy Wave 5.8
Left work, no wind Dallas cam, trees blowing, thought Elk Lake? Fun warmmmmm shorts and harness, a few good planing runs whole lake, played in lulls, made (sort of!) my first heli tack!! Dropped booms grabbed uphaul at clew-through-wind, sunk board, but somehow stayed dry.
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Sunday July 18, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 13

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 1152
This Year: 13
Sunday July 18, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Sunday July 18, 2004
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SW 15 - 20 1ft
3.00 hours
Starboard FreeSex 97L Ezzy SE 5.0
Wind came in about 4 pulses lasting about an hour each. Best wind after 4pm. Tried push tacks, BW gybes, carving 360's, upwind 360's, some lame Vulcan attempts, Heli's and tacks. (8/10)
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Starboard Steve
Sunday July 18, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Starboard Steve

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 68
This Year: 0
Sunday July 18, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Sunday July 18, 2004
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SSW 1 - 18
2.00 hours
Phil McGain Slalom 72l 258 Neil Pride Jet 5.9
Up down up down... Could have sailed half my quiver.
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Sunday July 18, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 230
This Year: 0
Sunday July 18, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Sunday July 18, 2004
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SW 1 - 127
4.00 hours
Starboard Wave 253 Roberts Slalom 9'0" North Style 5.4 North Warp 7.0
Gusty but fun. One of those days when everthiong from formula gear to wave gear could be used at any given moment
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downwind dave
Sunday July 18, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
downwind dave

Log Started: Sunday July 18, 2004
Total Records: 263
This Year: 0
Sunday July 18, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Sunday July 18, 2004
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
W 12 - 18 lumpy, warm
4.00 hours
f2 axxis261 85l NP core 5.9
fun weekend, 5.9 both days. great beers and sing songs. blew vulcan attempts 886 thru 907. learned a new way to crash when fishy showed me how to sail toeside.
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Sunday July 18, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Log Started: Sunday July 18, 2004
Total Records: 3
This Year: 0
Sunday July 18, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
Sunday July 18, 2004
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 10 - 20 2-3 m
3.50 hours
Light on the inside and nicely planing on the outside. Not quite enough for both feet in the straps. 1 good tack and got to clew first on my jibe. Just have to pull the boom in now to complete the turn. Great fun surfing the waves to shore.
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more force 4
Sunday July 18, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 2
more force 4

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 1008
This Year: 2
Sunday July 18, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Sunday July 18, 2004
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SW 12 - 20 1 ft chop
2.00 hours
Bic Adagio 107 Ezzy Wave 5.8 Garmin Foretrex 201
got to Nit at 3:30 ish, rigged but didn't sail 4.5, light sesh, logged 28.2 km of sailing in 2 hours (way more if powered all the time!), max speed 40.6 km ph (25 mph). 4 planing gybes :lol: . Tried a few helicopter spins in light air.
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Sunday July 18, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Friday July 16, 2004
Total Records: 143
This Year: 0
Sunday July 18, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
Sunday July 18, 2004
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Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
W 12 - 20
3.00 hours
Little gusty and lite, out on the 16m but had loads of fun
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Russian Dood
Sunday July 18, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Russian Dood

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 415
This Year: 0
Sunday July 18, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
Sunday July 18, 2004
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 15 - 20 1-3 ft
2.50 hours
HiFly Free 266 108 L Ezzy Wave 5.5
dead on the inside, fun on th outside :D
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Starboard Steve
Saturday July 17, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Starboard Steve

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 68
This Year: 0
Saturday July 17, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Saturday July 17, 2004
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SSW 13 - 18
3.00 hours
Phil McGain Slalom 72l 258 Neil Pride Jet 5.9
Wind started at about 1:00 PM.
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Saturday July 17, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 230
This Year: 0
Saturday July 17, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Saturday July 17, 2004
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
SW 15 - 18
3.00 hours
Starboard Wave 253 Roberts Slalom 9'0" North Warp 7.0 North Style 5.4
Better than expected
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Friday July 16, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Friday July 16, 2004
Total Records: 143
This Year: 0
Friday July 16, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
Friday July 16, 2004
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Nitinat Lk, Kitesurfing
W 15 - 20 slight waves
1.00 hours
Fantastic day, fairly steady, good wind strength, and lots of friendly people (not really sure of the windspeed)
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Starboard Steve
Friday July 16, 2004
Caddy Bay, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Starboard Steve

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 68
This Year: 0
Friday July 16, 2004
Caddy Bay, Windsurfing
Friday July 16, 2004
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Caddy Bay, Windsurfing
S 1 - 13 3-30 cm
1.50 hours
Starboard 186X (Formula) 256 Sailworks NX2 9.8
Longboarding/phat boarding session with the old boys. Good beer, good company, lousy wind.
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more force 4
Thursday July 15, 2004
Cook Street, Windsurfing
This Year: 2
more force 4

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 1008
This Year: 2
Thursday July 15, 2004
Cook Street, Windsurfing
Thursday July 15, 2004
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Cook Street, Windsurfing
WSW 8 - 12 2 ft chop
0.50 hours
Bic Adagio 107 Sailworks Retro 7.5 Garmin Foretrex 201
First time at Dallas. Missed the wind. Slogged out to tide line, then straps for 8 sec at 21 km ph, jibed, slogged in, swam last 150 m. Gusts tempted me out for short run. Oh well, slayed the Dallas dragon.
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Thursday July 15, 2004
Island View, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 340
This Year: 0
Thursday July 15, 2004
Island View, Kitesurfing
Thursday July 15, 2004
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Island View, Kitesurfing
SE 15 - 20 swell over 2nd sandbar
2.00 hours
Brunotti 155cm Ocean Rodeo Bronco 9M Ocean Rodeo Bronco 12M Ocean Rodeo Bar & Punch-out
Got lucky and caught the very rare, summer, back-bent-occlusion at Island View from 12-2pm. Even had to take the 9M for a while! And only a 15 minute drive from home.
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Thursday July 15, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 13

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 1152
This Year: 13
Thursday July 15, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
Thursday July 15, 2004
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 15 - 20 1-2ft chop
1.50 hours
Starboard FreeSex 97L Ezzy SE 5.0
Had an ok time (7/10). A bit gusty with big holes but the 5.0 was a good choice. Tried Push Tacks, Heli's, Tail First Heli's, Carving 360s, BW Gybes and Tacks.
Conditions: gale warning, but 3.3 southerly pressure slope, only 1.4 gradient, and Sheringham peaked at noon at 25kts.
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Russian Dood
Thursday July 15, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Russian Dood

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 415
This Year: 0
Thursday July 15, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
Thursday July 15, 2004
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WSW 10 - 20 chop
1.00 hours
HiFly Free 266 108 L Ezzy Wave 5.5
Fun session. Saw a couple of pilot (I think) whales. 8)
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Tuesday July 13, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 231
This Year: 0
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
Tuesday July 13, 2004
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Nitinat Lk, Windsurfing
W 20 - 25 ok swell
5.00 hours
Atypical Nat sesh - 5.0 at 10:00 am with nice swells building up then dropped off in the pm to 5.8. Solid day overall - tried my first vulcans - explosive wipeouts.
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Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 12

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 484
This Year: 12
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
Tuesday July 13, 2004
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 20 - 25 nice swell
2.00 hours
JP 255 Wave 8,4 78l Neil Pryde Search 5.8
nice session, big shadow on inside, very nice swell just on the inside edge, sun. Gear settings: [b:77a119b7b4]base pos'n [/b:77a119b7b4]@$*(, [b:77a119b7b4]fin[/b:77a119b7b4] $@#&, [b:77a119b7b4]downh[/b:77a119b7b4] #$*(, [b:77a119b7b4]outh [/b:77a119b7b4]#^
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Kite Kook
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0
Kite Kook

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 202
This Year: 0
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Cook Street, Kitesurfing
Tuesday July 13, 2004
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Cook Street, Kitesurfing
WSW 15 - 16 sm. waves and flat water
3.20 hours
First session with grab handle. Ended with an attempted double spin transition, but got ugly and ended up 10ft. from beach - oops! Kited 'til 9 but way past when I should have - knees weak on the walk up the stairs...
Note to self - forward spins more fun...
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Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Kitesurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 340
This Year: 0
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Kitesurfing
Tuesday July 13, 2004
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Gordons, Kitesurfing
WNW 15 - 17 some swell, no chop
2.50 hours
On the water between 4-7 pm with a couple short breaks. Stayed on the inside mostly. Some nice swell to ride. A few jumps. Not gusty at all. Rode toe-side for the first time. :D
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Starboard Steve
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Willows Bch, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Starboard Steve

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 68
This Year: 0
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Willows Bch, Windsurfing
Tuesday July 13, 2004
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Willows Bch, Windsurfing
SW 13 - 15 1ft chop
2.50 hours
Starboard 186X (Formula) 256 Sailworks NX2 9.8
Sweet sesh with Tweezer. Great flat water drag racing close to Discovery Island.
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more force 4
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 2
more force 4

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 1008
This Year: 2
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
Tuesday July 13, 2004
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 20 - 25 Some biggish swell
0.80 hours
Bic Adagio 107 Ezzy Wave 5.8 Garmin Foretrex 201
Rigged big, still a slog out, then overpowered on outside. Only about 40 minutes actually sailing, but nice. Garmin Foretrex GPS great - you can read your speed on your wrist, and analyse the track later. Just under 40 km max - about 20 kt. I'll post some screen caps.
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Russian Dood
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0
Russian Dood

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 415
This Year: 0
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
Tuesday July 13, 2004
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Gordons, Windsurfing
NW 20 - 25 1-3 ft swell
1.00 hours
HiFly Free 266 108 L Ezzy Wave 5.5
:D very light inside, slightly overpowered on the outside , fun session :D
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Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 13

Log Started: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Total Records: 1152
This Year: 13
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
Tuesday July 13, 2004
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 20 - 25 1-3ft
2.00 hours
Quatro Wave 8'3", 75L Ezzy SE 5.0
Super fine 5.0 on the outside, very light on the inside. Some swelly bits too. Finally getting some Push Tacks on the little board.
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Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 39

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 975
This Year: 39
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
Tuesday July 13, 2004
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 25 - 25 Big Swell
3.00 hours
:wink: Hyperdemonic :twisted: 125l with Ezzy 6.9m sail. Wind light on the inside but overpowered on the outside. Big swell which wasn't my best friend as the hyperdemonic doesn't like the big stuff! Overall, pretty good session. :)
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Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Tuesday July 13, 2004
Total Records: 349
This Year: 0
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Gordons, Windsurfing
Tuesday July 13, 2004
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Gordons, Windsurfing
WNW 27 - 32 big swell on outside
1.00 hours
Great quick 1 hour session at 4:00. Met Bobson on beach and went out on 5.5. slogged out and was way overpowered on the outside. killer sweet swell (best so far this July) and nice steady power. More power and bigger swell the further I went out. 2 kiters on inside. Came in for break and couldn't get back out - flat calm at beach above tugwell and medium shorebreak prevented me from beginning my slog back out. Just couldn't balance. Frustrated. Had to watch BWD and 4 other sailors ripping out there. Drank s ... (more)
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Monday July 12, 2004
Cadboro Bay, Windsurfing
This Year: 0

Log Started: Monday July 12, 2004
Total Records: 265
This Year: 0
Monday July 12, 2004
Cadboro Bay, Windsurfing
Monday July 12, 2004
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Cadboro Bay, Windsurfing
W 0 - 0 Flat
0.10 hours
Skunked. Flat as piss on a platter. One guy had to swim home.
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