Fundraiser Event

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Gareth Fundraiser Event

Unread post by Gareth »


Rob and I are organizing an event(yet to be named) in order to raise funds for the BWD Site. The event will be a downwinder from Esquimalt to Cook St. and will be open to both Kites and windsurfers. It will be held on either the 5th/6th of August, depending on wind conditions. This will be a fun event, but if some participants want to race(or even race kites against windsurfers) let us know. I've included some of a email from Dave, which gives us all a good reason to support this event. many of us use this free site, so in order to keep the costs down, this is one way we can support Dave for all his terrific work.

From Daves Email
"Hi Gareth:
I was just wondering what the status was on the BWD fundraiser. Is it still in the works? I am planning on getting a camera for Nitinat. I may use the camera I am now using for Cook, move it to Nitinat, then buy a camera with more zoom for Cook. I don’t mind putting money up front for all of this, but it would be nice to try and raise $1500-2000, if at all possible. 40 people at $50 ea would be great.
Thanks, dave"

As you can see, we do need to help to support this site.

Please feel free to post comments or email me directly @



Esq - Cook run

Unread post by stephen. »

I would love to go. $50 is a good price. Will there be a safety boat around? I am still a beginner and would feel more comfortable knowing one is out there.
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Re: Esq - Cook run

Unread post by bwd »

stephen. wrote:I would love to go. $50 is a good price. Will there be a safety boat around? I am still a beginner and would feel more comfortable knowing one is out there.
Correct me if I'm wrong Gareth => people don't have to pay to participate. But they should get others to sponsor them in the event. Maybe get family/friends/other BWD users to sponsor you for $10 ea or so. Should be easy to get 5 people to sponsor you. That way you don't have to put down the $50 yourself, as not everyone can afford that much
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Unread post by Gareth »

Dave, I hadn't got that far yet with the details. You are correct, the idea is to get pledges. Also for couples, they would only have to get one set of pledges that = $ 50.

Stephen, i'm 90 % certain that we will have a rescue boat. I will confirm when it is organized.

For now, we need commitments from participants so that we can organize logistics, prizes etc.


Unread post by kitesick »

Hi Gareth, Im in!!! Let me know how I can help. Cheers Darwin

Unread post by Gareth »

We need to know aprox. numbers. Please let me know if you can commit to the intended date. Remember that the funds raised will go to dave for the site. We don't pay a user fee for this site, so it is important that we help out if we want to have these toys available to us. A good part of this cash will be for a better camera lens for Cook st, as mentioned in Daves email in the first post.

If you prefer privacy, email me @ .

Spread the word. Thanks.

Unread post by adam »

Hey Gareth, good job organizing this event. I'm in, as long as its in the afternoon on one of those days. I do have a field trip for school on the 5th or 6th, but should be able to go on the day we're not sailing. Gimme a call 708-0360.

Down wind funraiser

Unread post by Pouse »

I'm in,

I'll raise fifty and match fifty!! woohooo let's do it!!

Unread post by MistralMalibuMan »

:D I'm in for the 5th. 6th I'm away.
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Unread post by PhDewd »

I'm in if around VI - otherwise I'll sponsor someone.
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Aug 6

Unread post by KUS »

likely working but in for the $$. If I can get outta work AND there is wind forecast, count me in for the Aug 6. :P That time of year I don't think there'll be enough breeze but just in case :roll: ....Kus
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Unread post by mshepard »

No problem using our Zodiac for the escort. Having said that, it is important everyone be prepared for self rescue. It is likely people will be pretty spread out by the end of the event.
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Unread post by kitesurferdale »

I'm in, but am only available for the saturday (7th). However, if on the sixth, will sponsor someone for $50.00.
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Down Wind'r

Unread post by asscrack »

If there is is wind i'm in.If not. Maybe we can Organize an event at Nitnat.All for the good of the site.May the wind be with,it's always with me,Ha! :oops:
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Unread post by Gareth »


We need to get an accurate idea as to how many people are willing to participate. Ideally we would have at least 10 kiters and windsurfers. Lets all put our money where our mouths are and commit. all funds raised will go towards the BWD site. So far Dave has shouldered most of the financial burden, now lets do our bit., please email your willingness to participate to

THE CHALLENGE Who can produce the largest participation, kiters or windsurfers?

Thanks in advance.
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