Saturday Afternoon Windfest log:

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Saturday Afternoon Windfest log:

Post by WindePendanT »

I did a day trip to the Nat on Saturday.
I grabbed a folding chair, knowing thats all I'd need, and decided to take the south rd.
The road wasn't the nicest I've seen it, but it certainly isn't the worst I've seen either.

Air conditioning made the ride pleasant.
It occured to me that the weather was, what I would have at one point in my life, thought to be perfect.
Before becomming a wind junkie that is..

Now, I've been to the Nat enough to know when to start looking at the tops of the trees,
to see that first bit of wind from off the lake.
But wait..! They are blowing.. But wait.. they are bending the wrong way.
and only slightly..

Campsite, is completely full. Doubled up, trippled, foursomes..
The day use parking up the road only had a handful of cars. Me being one.

The scene on the beach, was bikini and bathing suit city. I've never seen soo many unclothed people on that beach before.
The DJ booth was set up, and broadcasting through the radio, tunes playin.. Dale workin the mic, random raffle's for swag and such.

Ocean Rodeo had their regular spot down the beach. Cabrinha, as well as Flysurfer and I think north? where set up close to the DJ.
Christine and her partner(sorry dude, forget your name.) had the "love shack" up the beach a little. Selling necklaces and braceletes.
Deal of the day was.. buy two things, recieve a free grilled cheese sandwich!

The quip along the beach, I heard more than once was " No-Wind-fest eh?!!"

Every once in a while, a HOT wave of thermal wind would temp the board boarders.
Putting their kite, right on their back and pull the front lines to launch the kite.
They would go out, do a tack or two.. till the wave of wind just went away..
Then the SUP crowd would paddle around them, until a jet-ski would come to get them.

Flysurfer was the kite that got the most time on the water,
not real fun looking but they did manage to do some little hops and stay upwind.
My interest was re-peaked to try one. (been wanting to for 4 years now)

The highlight of the day for me; was watching AC with his seadoo, pull Billie and his kite up, up, wayyyy up!!!
Then watching him kiteloop his way down.
I suggested that might make him the winner of saturday's events, he suggested I suggest that to Judy.. ha!

There was a small handfull of windsurfers trying to make it work with real big stuff.
Saw one 11m sail, pumping as fast as you can pump an 11m.
He probably won the wind powered, speed record for the day.

Before I left, I got a lesson on ways to cook fish. Maybe I have to get out more but this was new to me..
Over in AC's camp:
first you catch a big fish,
you cut it up into big steaks,
lay them all onto a cookie sheet.
Then... you light your tiger torch.. a little salt and pepper.
Heat and serve!

I'm glad I brought my chair, wish I'd brought an umbrella, and some ice.

This was Windfest for Windependant.
Windependant= Wind Dependent, Dependant of the wind(like in taxes)
Windy Pendant, bottom of my kite necklace(held from above)
And dependant on winning the tug of war with my kite.
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