Cutting a mast down

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Cutting a mast down

Unread post by KC7777 »


I have a 426cm HotSailsMaui RDM 65% carbon mast. 4cm had been originally cut off from 430cm when I bought it.

Ideally this mast should be approx. 416cm-417cm for use with my 5.0 Gaastra Poison wave sail (which does not have an adjustable head.)

My questions......can I cut another 10cm or so off the mast and not wreck it?

Also, what is the best tool to cut a RDM mast with (I was thinking a fine tooth hacksaw).

Anything else I need to consider here? It is in mint shape, I paid approx. $175 I think for it.


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Unread post by downwind dave »

I have done this to an old tidal wave SDM. prior to cutting I wrapped the section in tuc tape to prevent splinters then i clamped it in a mitre box to keep things square. After the operation it worked fine.. untill the top section broke. i think the main concern is where the boom clamp goes but on a 65% rdm its a non issue. imo. 8)
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Mast cutting

Unread post by KC7777 »

hey dwd,

What did you use to cut it with?


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Unread post by downwind dave »

the hacksaw with the fine blade (for metal) works great. i use the same tool for chopping carbon hockey sticks.
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Unread post by KUS »

carbon does funny things where broken strands can propagate.

Sparkly our resident carbon expert may have a view on this but I would concur, 65% is lo carbon and if someone already cut it you cannot likely ruin it any more. :roll: make sure tho the insertion friction of the extension doesn't change or you may create a stress point when a large section is inserted. Also I would use three door shims around the mast in the miter box to get things square. As for the base Tuck tape may actually pull splinters from the bottom so peel it off toward the bottom of the mast when you remove it. I would perhaps expoxy a section of woven cloth around the area of the cut first to keep splinters from starting, then cut through it with a miter saw very slowly, paint it black. You may also get splintering on the inside but again, lo carbon probably not an issue......tho I think the time of cutting masts is behind us :oops:

Also your 5.0 sail is likely designed to be rigged on a 400 :idea: and this 430 tho cut down will be too stiff :arrow:
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Unread post by downwind dave »

no need to peel the tape off. alternatively, use a big KC777 sticker!
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Unread post by nanmoo »

downwind dave wrote:no need to peel the tape off. alternatively, use a big KC777 sticker!
You forgot a '7'.
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Unread post by Gdawg »

Wet tile saw. Diamond blade if you were going to do a whole lot of cutting, but a carbide will get through a mast just fine. Masking / overwrapping etc is unnecessary - let the saw do the work and it will not splinter. Geoffy can elaborate on this as he has guys / equipment who cut through a couple thousand carbon tubes every day with no splinters.

I second Kus' comment re: messing up the stiffness. I am the furthest thing from a rigging/tuning geek, but cutting 30cm off a mast will render it sufficienly stiff that even I will notice a difference (not in good way).
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Mast cutting

Unread post by KC7777 »

Thanks for the tips,

Never thought of the stiffness issue......I would be taking approx. 13cm off of a 430cm mast (ie down to 417cm) but will likely not be cutting this down for the 5.0M now.
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Casey - if the total 13 cm cut is on the bottom, and you can use a very short extension maybe the stiffness won't be a big deal compared to the original 430. Probably more bendy than having a 35 cm extension set to 2.5 cm with all the rest up the mast - but the 430 will still be stiffer than a 400 regardless. A lot of sails are made to get acceptable performance on the adjacent size to the design mast anyway, but some aren't - I'd check the sails specs first.
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Unread post by KC7777 »

Hi MF4,

Another good point. After the total 13cm cut (ie 430 down to 417 or so) I would have rigged it with a short Chinook RDM extension with the extension collar removed as my 5.0 has a luff of approx. 415cm - 416cm. The Gaastra specs recommend a 400cm (IMCS 19) mast for the 5.0 Poison and a 430cm (IMCS 21) for their 5.4 and 5.8 Poisons. I already have a 100% carbon 430cm for my 5.8 Poison, and a 100% carbon 400cm for my 5.0 and 4.5. I had bought this 426 as a back-up for the 430 and was thinking it could work on the 5.0 too if it was approx. 415-417 so then I could rig 4.5, 5.0 and 5.8 at the same time.

Anyway, going to stick it up for sale and see what happens. If I get my money out of it will likely just sell it and pick up another 400cm in future.

This mast is almost new and would work for someone who needs around a 430cm for a 5.5 - 6.2 sail at a reasonable price for the mast with a mast bag, RDM extension and RDM shim too


Last edited by KC7777 on Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by Tom B »

I have a 350 that I cut down from a 430. That is stiff! I prefer it to the recommended stiffness masts for my 4.0. More punch, less leech twist, more hang time.

I could be the only one with this opinion though.
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Tom B wrote:I have a 350 that I cut down from a 430. That is stiff! I prefer it to the recommended stiffness masts for my 4.0. More punch, less leech twist, more hang time.

I could be the only one with this opinion though.
Ever try a Sailworks Hucker Tom? Sounds like you'd like them!
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Unread post by eastside »

KC 7777. Didn't think it was a good idea to remove the collar on your extension? Splitting the mast being the reason I was told.
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Unread post by KC7777 »

eastside wrote:KC 7777. Didn't think it was a good idea to remove the collar on your extension? Splitting the mast being the reason I was told.
Man I am learning a lot. I haven't actually ever done this (no collar on an extension), just thought it would save another 1- 2 cm from being cut off - if I did cut it. So now the cut would have to be approx. 15cm off of 430 instead of 13cm.

Maybe it's just easier if someone buys it as a 426! - Check the Buy Sell section. MAST IS SOLD!
Last edited by KC7777 on Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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