Bic Techno 2

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Bic Techno 2

Unread post by chewy »

Anyone have any thoughts or comments on this board. I am looking for a board of about 150L that my wife can learn on but something I can use in light wind as well. I guess a compromise between a learning board and a large freeride board. Any thoughts or past experience would be appreciated.
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Unread post by windsurf247 »

I'm not sure about that model but friends of mine bought a Techno E-Large (135litres??) for the exact purpose as you are proposing - learning board for her, light wind board for him. They hated it. Fortunately it got knocked off their roofrack and ICBC replaced it with a GO 150. They absolutely love the GO board. THe only problem is that she can't get off the board now. Something to consider if you're sharing gear. :wink:
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Techno and GO

Unread post by Bobson »

Hey Chewy-Dood, I don't know about the Techno's but the GO 150 is my favourite all around board so far. Great from 10 to 20 kts. has the Techno's from $999 and Silent Sports has the 2003 GO's from $1299. Not too bad for a new board. I'm tempted to get one of the GO's as they really hold their price well. I just sold(worst decision I've made)my GO 150 for $1200 in the classifieds after only 2 days.

You cannot GO wrong with the GO's. :D
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Unread post by chewy »

So I guess it is worth the extra couple bucks for the GO eh. Thanks for the help. We will see what happens shortly. Any one have a good suggestion on a 8.5ish sail. Cheers
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Unread post by chewy »

Bobson, I moved to Nanaimo from San Diego three years ago, the Doods remind me of being back there, everything is dude instead of eh.
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