Windsurf girl new to Island !! stoked! advice?

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Windsurf girl new to Island !! stoked! advice?

Unread post by watertiger »

New to the island, I'm from the Netherlands, and I'm stoked to Windsurf again :D
- Techno 293 Design
- Only did lakes so far - don't want to drift off in the tide :roll:

I work near:
- Willows, minimum wind?, direction?
- Cadboro bay, minimum wind?, direction?

I live in Sooke:
- Gordon beach? is it OK for newbie?

Other suggestions very welcome. I will be going to Nitinat labour day wknd

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Unread post by winddoctor »

Welcome to da Island, Watertiger!

Check out the "wiki" button at the top of the page. It will reveal much of the information you're looking for.

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Unread post by nanmoo »

What is this mythical creature? Oh and I just saw a unicorn walk by.

Welcome, lots of info in the wiki and the windsurfers will be glad for a rare addition to the tribe.
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Unread post by watertiger »

thnx. hahahaha ya who does windsurfing right? and a girl? :lol:
I did when I got land locked for 6 yrs in Toronto, coming from Amsterdam with the sea half hour away! I'm a surfer and a sailor - so I thought I give it a try to combine both.
FYI the wiki info on Nitinat is rather empty? any advice on wind direction and minimum knts?
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Unread post by tempy »

..says the newly departed to the dark side....

There will be lots of helpful info / cheap gear / support etc from both the poleskippers and tethered folk!

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Unread post by winddude »

Nitnat will be interesting on a 293, I would aim to get out in the morning before the wind comes up.

As for Gordons, maybe not on the windier days, might be a bit much on a 293, but it's often cross to cross on shore, so with a 293 you shouldn't have much trouble making it back to the beach, but if it's less than 20knots you would probably be sailing alone, not many people sailing raceboards, or big gear on the Island.

Welcome to the Island, and time to start thinking about investing in some shortboard gear. :)
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Unread post by JL »

Welcome. Most importantly for Gordons you should have wetsuit with a hood. We use 5mm suits with booties as well. Your suit should have a hood. You don't have to have the hood on all the time but should pull it on when your totally in the water :idea: Tugwell is good today so get out there girl. 8)
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Unread post by nanmoo »

In contrast I wear a cheapie 4/3 with no legs or booties or hood at Gordons and its fine. 5/4 for winter though.
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Unread post by watertiger »

thanks all!
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Unread post by watertiger »

winddude wrote:Nitnat will be interesting on a 293, I would aim to get out in the morning before the wind comes up.

As for Gordons, maybe not on the windier days, might be a bit much on a 293, but it's often cross to cross on shore, so with a 293 you shouldn't have much trouble making it back to the beach, but if it's less than 20knots you would probably be sailing alone, not many people sailing raceboards, or big gear on the Island.

Welcome to the Island, and time to start thinking about investing in some shortboard gear. :)
- yes I have big gear - used to lakes with little wind & zero waves, do you mean it think is gets easily to heavy to sail a 293 on high winds, or because it get's choppy on the lake? or maybe I should just find out :lol:
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Unread post by tbrown »

that's an interesting looking board. ... as was said above, there aren't many folks around here sailing big boards. Bobson and I get out on formula gear sometimes... more often in the winter on the lighter north winds. I've heard stories about other folks having the gear, but not seen many (any?) folks logging sessions.

Many of the questions probably boil down to "what conditions do you WANT to sail?" and how OFTEN do you want to sail, e.g. how long are you willing to wait to get those conditions.

Most of the windsurfers on this board (at least the ones that post) don't seem to go out unless the forecast is for more than 25 knots.

The only RELIABLE (>90% confidence) wind over the summer is at nitnat, and we're running into the end of the season for that (Sept). I'm no expert on how late that will go, and again, it comes down to whether you want to sail in 15 knots or 25.

The easiest way to get an introduction to nitnat would be to grab a ride with someone making a day trip. It is a LONG day (5 hours driving, 4-5 hours of sailing time, rig/de-rig).

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Unread post by JL »

Kemp lake might be fun. Seriously. Google chub rd.. Nice & warm as well :P Plenty of places in Sooke basin for light days as well. 8)
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Unread post by watertiger »

tbrown wrote:that's an interesting looking board. ... as was said above, there aren't many folks around here sailing big boards. Bobson and I get out on formula gear sometimes... more often in the winter on the lighter north winds. I've heard stories about other folks having the gear, but not seen many (any?) folks logging sessions.

Many of the questions probably boil down to "what conditions do you WANT to sail?" and how OFTEN do you want to sail, e.g. how long are you willing to wait to get those conditions.

Most of the windsurfers on this board (at least the ones that post) don't seem to go out unless the forecast is for more than 25 knots.

The only RELIABLE (>90% confidence) wind over the summer is at nitnat, and we're running into the end of the season for that (Sept). I'm no expert on how late that will go, and again, it comes down to whether you want to sail in 15 knots or 25.

The easiest way to get an introduction to nitnat would be to grab a ride with someone making a day trip. It is a LONG day (5 hours driving, 4-5 hours of sailing time, rig/de-rig).

Thanks TOM !

It's a good board for learning and leisure funboarding, and get's me into planing in lower winds, 8knts would do it easily. it's the choppy water that may not be so great, I was hoping Gordon beach would be a bit better.

I only did 2 summer seasons, and it's been 2 yrs since. I'm doing a first in 2yrs at Elk lake tonight. So I just need to see if I get the love going again for windsurfing and if so get better and buy a shorter board etc. as it cleary sounds like that's what I need here :lol:

Nitinat: yeah the season is ending I guess for Nitinat hoping to get there the long weekend I put the big beast on my roof rack, np.
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Unread post by winddude »

watertiger wrote:
winddude wrote:Nitnat will be interesting on a 293, I would aim to get out in the morning before the wind comes up.

As for Gordons, maybe not on the windier days, might be a bit much on a 293, but it's often cross to cross on shore, so with a 293 you shouldn't have much trouble making it back to the beach, but if it's less than 20knots you would probably be sailing alone, not many people sailing raceboards, or big gear on the Island.

Welcome to the Island, and time to start thinking about investing in some shortboard gear. :)
- yes I have big gear - used to lakes with little wind & zero waves, do you mean it think is gets easily to heavy to sail a 293 on high winds, or because it get's choppy on the lake? or maybe I should just find out :lol:
I'd say find out, nitnat is a relatively safe place to sail, not much bad can happen. You might find yourself over powered, board and fin. On a good/classic day when the wind hit's it's peak, the wind would be strong for a 293, even with the 5.8. So get out earlier, usually there will be a few guys on slalom gear, while everyone else is still doing... well nothing. lol
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Unread post by Geoffy »

:D :D Welcome - And now for something completely different.

Mijn vrouw Carla komt uit Nederland en we varen rond het eiland , net terug van een driedaags weekend op Nitinat.

She is on a 294 slalom board and we used 4.5, 5.3, and 6.0 sails with no problems. I sailed a Bic Vivace 282 for many years there and still sometimes wish I had it. Look at the Tofino temperature and the Port Alberni temperature and if it's sunny conditions and 6-10 degrees different, then Nitinat will be windy enough to have fun. Look forward to meeting you - we'll be there probably Labor day weekend and the weekend afterwards.

Welcomst, Geoff and Carla
We windsurf - life must be good!
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