Nitinat This Week - Tale of the Outflow

General discussions about windsurfing: equipment, setup tips, problems, where to go, where you should have been, lost and found
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Unread post by TURTLE »

DWD and I are flowin' out to Nitnat for a day trip

Nuke is a good forecast!
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Unread post by KUS »

mb wrote:There's no doubt which is the pointy end with you KUS!
I got a question for ya. If ya don't need a board bigger than 99 L, cause they are all aircraft carriers, then why are all the manufacturers makeun um? And people buyin um?
See ya at the lake again if you get over being disgusted ... I'll throw a stick on the fire for ya!
Haha, yeah, as windsurfish said the fire needs more air dooooood not more wood!!....same goes for your sailing.....more moving air (also known as wind) you won't need the AC, ha! Come see us sometime, we's got wind, enough for most a ya! ! :P
Hey, I got slagged by dumping on the Nat, well, it did suck (mostly through the blackflies) and now it blew, too little too late, back in Cooks & Gordo's pure windheaven again without having to upgrade the frontend of the vehicle. (I'll leave the Nat for post Gorge August or unemployment, whichever comes first). If any of ya mainlanders wanna drop in for accom in Vic, don't hesitate to post. Cheers, nice spilling wine with you! 8)
Last edited by KUS on Sun May 29, 2005 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Nitnat was Nukin' today

Unread post by TURTLE »

Best wind I have ever seen there (This is my second season at it).

Great day!! I need to acquire an inexpensive smaller board.
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