Sabfoil front wings and fuse

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Sabfoil front wings and fuse

Unread post by Tsawwassen »

The 909 is hardly used as well as the 980 but it has a few small scratches. The 730 was used the most, it's a great foil in the surf. The 699 was used 2 or 3 times. The 1100 is the old version with the 6M holes and there is a small crack and i indent on one of the holes. I've sen a lot of people drill these out to fit the new 8M fuse.

WM909 $650
WR 980 $550
WO 730 $350
WM 699 $350
W1100 $200, 6M holes
S 483 SOLD

710 Fuse with 6M holes, for older sabfoil onda surf mast. $100
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