Windsurf Foiling Discussion

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Re: Windsurf Foiling Discussion

Unread post by KUS »

I keep thinking that but foil is centered and 60fuse may be faster so harder to control but front foot pressure and mast pressure should settle it down?
In lighter wind I can try my 80 fuse.

Just crawling my lard ass up onto the board takes it out of me, waves breaking on deck doesn’t help. Once I’m tri pod standing it’s easy….not til then lol
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Re: Windsurf Foiling Discussion

Unread post by grantmac »

80cm is borderline, 60cm is way too short. Wind speed doesn't change that.
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Re: Windsurf Foiling Discussion

Unread post by KUS »

It’s 90 from leading edge of front wing to trailing edge of backwing? They call it a 78 cm ….depends where you measure from I suppose
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Re: Windsurf Foiling Discussion

Unread post by Tsawwassen »

KUS wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2025 3:35 pm It’s 90 from leading edge of front wing to trailing edge of backwing? They call it a 78 cm ….depends where you measure from I suppose
Hey Markus, are you riding the Wizard 125? My suggestion would be to take off the footstraps, that way you can move around and find the right balance. I could never windfoil with straps, I would always breach.
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Re: Windsurf Foiling Discussion

Unread post by Bobson »

I'm in partial agreement with Twawwassen. I suggest using ONLY front straps as that keeps your front foot in the same place and you use your rear foot to control lift. Further forward for less lift, and further back for more lift.

Use a front foil that has a slow stall speed. 1500cm2 +/- (1200-2000) higher aspect to glide through jibes.
Use your longest fuse, it gives you the best front/back stability.
Use your largest stabilizer, again, it gives you the best stability.
ONLY use the exact same foil setup while dialing in your lift and jibes.

1. I started with front foot strap inboard and forward as far as it would go.
- This way your front foot stays in the same pace all the time and your rear foot moves to control lift.

2. Keep the same foil setup while testing.

3. I went out and tested where my back foot should be to control lift.
- if too much lift, move rear foot forward, if still too much lift, move mast base forward.
- if not enough lift, move rear foot back, still not enough lift, move front strap back an inch.

4. When you will find the perfect spot for front strap, don't move it again.
- To control lift you just move the rear foot as it's much easier to lift than the front foot.
- I move my rear foot constantly, inch forward, inch back depending on if I need more or less lift.

5. The trick, I think, when dialing in everything is to keep the same foil setup. Same mast, fuse, foils.
- That way you only have to focus on 1 thing, YOU. Your weight forward or back to get it dialed.
- Then once you have your lift dialed, you can practice, practice, practice your jibes.
- Being able to jibe, even if you touch down but keep going is the most important skill because slowing down and having to pump up again or worse, falling in and starting again is very tiring.

Again, in case you didn't hear it the first 2 times, I believe the most important advice here is, while dialing in your lift and getting comfortable with ride height keep the foil you're using exactly the same.

I watched hundreds of jibing youtube videos. The sail movement is much different than windsurfing, almost a semi-circle. I also believe that getting as many sessions as you can in a row is best for your muscle memory. Even now, if I take a week off (doesn't happen very often) it takes a few minutes to remember what to do because there is sooo much going on.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Windsurf Foiling Discussion

Unread post by KUS »

Tsawwassen wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2025 8:12 pm
Hey Markus, are you riding the Wizard 125? My suggestion would be to take off the footstraps, that way you can move around and find the right balance. I could never windfoil with straps, I would always breach.
hey thanks for comments- yes Keens Wizard..a bit big perhaps but it works for now
Oh I have found the straps weird at first , too far outward? but now I love them, especially the fronts….i moved the rears very far back to get the foil more in the middle but after my last session realized they are too far and yes having a foot in the center helped with the feel for up/down control but when fully cruising it’s nice to use both
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Re: Windsurf Foiling Discussion

Unread post by KUS »

Bobson wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2025 9:11 am
Use your longest fuse,

- if too much lift, move rear foot forward, if still too much lift, move mast base forward.

- I move my rear foot constantly, inch forward, inch back depending on if I need more or less lift.

Same mast, fuse, foils.
- That way you only have to focus on 1 thing, YOU. Your weight forward or back to get it dialed.
- Then once you have your lift dialed, you can practice, practice, practice your jibes.
- Being able to jibe, even if you touch down but keep going is the most important skill because slowing down and having to pump up again or worse, falling in and starting again is very tiring.
You bet, the 78 extended fuse to the 88 is hugely more stable, I only could wish for a 95!! But I’d have to weld one up

I got the lift balance mostly figured after the last sesh as you said moving back foot to get a good pump going, worked like a charm, not do easy using a 60cm fuse

Indeed tiring to blow gybes, the 2000 is way harder than the 1300 to gybe but I only have a 60cm fuse for that one :/ but making gybes is key or I’ve only got a few runs in me if I fall, old out of shape fart that I am

So 2000 easy to balance and ride high but no gybes very often, 1300 gybes easy but balance and breaching is a bitch….i have gotten away from harness lines again as I find sail sheeting out easier for balance and being super upright makes my lines set up way closer to the mast

Thx for reinforcement! Making wing foil gear work for windfoil isn’t a 100% deal
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Re: Windsurf Foiling Discussion

Unread post by tempy »

Markus, I am happy to try your gear out and see how it feels. I think having a person who can do it well try the gear will help get it dialed in quicker - a few guys have helped me out this way.

I also have my Hoverglide kit - 92 cm mast, switch fuse and Infinity 76 foil available for cheap and it is probably the best low cost relible gear out there. I have moved on to a Phantasm setup. It is designed to work on the Slingshot boards.

And yes, no back strap!

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