The News Years dip and sip(hot chocolate?)

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The News Years dip and sip(hot chocolate?)

Unread post by TURTLE »

Is it on this year? Any thoughts?

I have decided to not windsurf this winter (except for possibly very special occations) until I get a warmer wetsuit or a dry suit. $$$$

Wet Suit

Unread post by Winger1 »

Turtle: I have a wet suit for sale you might want. I am 6'.2" med build. The suit has longer arms and legs in it than normal. I got a deal on a new dry suit that Whites are making so I no longer need this Steamer. It is very warm and in good shape. $75.00 is all I want for a quick sale. Let me know 661-1109 ( Victoria)
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Unread post by JL »

I'm off !!! That was a good time last year...I'm in !!!
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Thermals are good.
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New Years sail/hang 2-gether

Unread post by Bobson »

I've been thinking about this last years went very well even with the snow and cold weather..well..except for Sharky's swim and Starboard Steve's kite rescue....HA!!

I'm definitely IN again this year and will bring the TUB OF HOT CHOCOLATE(for mixer). If anyone else that wants to could bring possibly some COFFEE or FOOD. The similar setup as last year as I think that worked out well. Site to be determined by wind but IV worked well and I think Willows or Esquimalt would both work well too. The wind worked out last year as well but I guess we'll have to wait and see for that.

Hey Turtle-Dood, Thanks for starting this thread and getting the ball rolling. Anyone else want to chime in about setting this one up....PAT/RICK..?? :D
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Unread post by KUS »

oh, I think the "chilliwagon" was planned into the day already by Pat and Rick :D

I hope to bring some totties, maybe we could rent the tearoom at Willows (I'll make some calls) or at least hide behind the hedges and building. I can't say I enjoyed the temps at IV last year....sailing was ok but it would have been nice to be able to hang out after the sail a bit...there's just NO shelter there at all. I suppose IV has the advantage of being able to build a fire?

If anyone has a pickup (won't fit in my van), we could load up my heatlamp and nestle it under some tarps with a BBQ or something. Maybe tarping that "kiter grater" gazebo at IV and the heatlamp would work, come to think of it :wink:
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Unread post by Russian Dood »

Count me in! I cant promice I'll be sailing, but chearing and yelling from the beach, that's for sure. And I do have a magatarp.
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Unread post by more force 4 »

OK, I've got the pickup to move the heater. Would be nice to rent the tearoom and have some real heat though! Someone may have to bring some longboards -- or a Serenity -- if there is only 5 kt though!
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New Years....

Unread post by Bobson »

Hey Kus, if you can look into who we talk to about getting the tea room opened for us......I will plan out how to get some shelter at IV......I'm thinking with that new structure down there we could tarp a couple walls and be sheltered from the wind and rain/snow....could be quite nice with a fire and your heatlamp-thingy!! 8)

I'll head down there tomorrow to measure sizes of tarps needed.
That place might be the ticket if we cannot get the tea room opened.
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Unread post by JL »

A roll of polly would wrap around the windward side of the structure nicely...
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New Years.....

Unread post by Bobson »

Who's Polly and how am I going to ask a fatty for one of her rolls..?? :twisted:
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Unread post by JL »

Thermals are good.
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Unread post by windwoman »

The 'chillywagon' is definately a go! What about a warm house with a warm fireplace afterwards? We also have a good spot for a blaze outside .....if this weather keeps up we can have a hockey game on the pond!!
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New Years........

Unread post by Bobson »

Sounds Great WW-dudette!! I LOVE CHILLI!!!!

I'm going to try and get a few more people stoked on Formula this year as you don't fall into the chilly water and you go like STINK in not much wind......I want RICKY MARTIN to get on the bandwagon...he doesn't know what he's missing!!!
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Unread post by Gareth »

Unfortunately, I will be in the same place as last year, snowboarding. Great idea, I hope lots of people join in.
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Unread post by windaddiction »

IV last year was great, what about a sauna as well, if we can have a big fire we can also make a cozy suana! Um let me know if I can help out with any set-up or $$$ ect to make this event happen again.
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