Point 7 Sails

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Point-7 ACX review

Unread post by KC7777 »


Just a quick review after the first 3 days on this sail.

This 2011 Point-7 ACX 7.0M sail saved my long weekend at Nitinat. I was impressed with the look, the "feel" while sailing (I don't like heavy feeling sails), everything about the sail was great. I got going (planing on a 142L JP raceboard) very early each day, sometimes in very little wind when very few other people were planing. All it took was for me to hook in, point down wind a bit and wiggle my back arm and I was off and ripping....if I lose 10 lbs it will be unstoppable!. Tacks and gybes no problem.

And supposedly it looked pretty cool on the water (though some said it was hard to see once I was on the far side against the trees) - any pics appreciated.

Interestingly the 7.0M can rig on a 430 (or a 460 Ezzy RDM which I used).

It's going to be a great Harrison flatwater sail and completely replaces the 2008 7.5 Ezzy (seems to have more power) I just sold.

I also sailed it flat and overpowered for a bit on Monday (so replaces my 2008 6.5 Ezzy too), so good range too.

Only problem is the name.....though I do like "7's. People kept asking me what Point-7 means.

Point-7 originates from the Windsurf Racing scene.....where the first sailor across the finish line would receive 0.7 points. This being the score the winner obtains when he or she wins a single race at a windsurfing event. Second place would then get a score of 2 points, 3 points for third and so forth. At the end of the event, each race-score of each sailor would be added up and whoever would have the lowest score would then be named winner of the event. It has often been that little Point-7 difference that has decided the winner of important titles.

Last edited by KC7777 on Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Don't forget to bring a towel!
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Darth Sail

Unread post by KC7777 »


A couple of pics of the Black sail......it works even better with the rip in the top!
P8260028.jpg (179.61 KiB) Viewed 1397 times
avatar-bwd.jpg (158.48 KiB) Viewed 1397 times
P8260023.jpg (193.91 KiB) Viewed 1396 times
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Unread post by mortontoemike »

THAT, is some niiiice photography. Nice.
I wish my TOW was longer!
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Unread post by ~~~~~4j~~ »

That is a nice looking sail. I like the shape. Just needs some big KC7777 stickers to cover up that rip.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

I'm confused, where are the stickers?
Don't forget to bring a towel!
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looking good

Unread post by skipro »

shame about the rip Keith! was it the breakwater?
Somehow the baby blue neo shirt looks out of place now. I say go full Ninja! face mask and all. black board, black everything. Flat black though like those rap stars cars.
See you on the water.
Back on black is the new sexy WS style. I have some black and silver Simmers, we should team up.
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