Money for nothing, at Nitinaht
Let me guess, you can't afford to bring your own toilet paper with you. I can't believe this is being talked about so much. Been going there for over 10 years, it's the same as always, a wonderful place to go and have fun with your friends. People need to look within themselves and consider why they find themselves complaining all the time. If your life is not fulfilling, maybe you should seek guidance. There's nothing that happens up there except good times, 12 bucks or not!
Don't get me wrong Vik, I could give a rat's ass about the complainers. I enjoy myself every day and love my life! I'm just trying to help them see the error of their ways and try and love life the way they should! I'm also posting what most people are hopefully thinking but not bothering to post because they can't be bothered. Plus, I've had a few beers. HAHAHAHAHA
I would like to say something more but then I would get another email from BWD. Public toilet paper....gross!