Safety Gear

General discussions about wingfoiling: equipment, tips, problems, where to go, where you should have been, pump safety.
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Safety Gear

Unread post by slake »

Last year I got an ION Hardcap 3.2 helmet and Mystic Foil Impact Vest, since they were the only thing I could find available. The latter's stitching started undoing from the start and continues to this day (supposedly Mystic was going to warranty it, but they have no stock). It is a vest that has room for a harness that I don't use, unless I go kiting. Not sure if it makes more sense to have padding throughout (like a wake vest) for winging.

My other half wants to wing foil (ie. she wants in on the fun). She's about 56 kg and 5'4". Any recommendations on:
1. helmets
2. impact vests
3. where to buy (Canada or US)

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Re: Safety Gear

Unread post by bwd »

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Re: Safety Gear

Unread post by slake »

For sure a scam. Where do you find such links?

I'll ask her. She seemed to not care for having the harness area pad free (ie. rather have the full protection). Doing a simple search her eyes locked onto an Aussie wake company called Follow, who make colourful vests.
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