Location advice for East coast of Island

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Location advice for East coast of Island

Unread post by windeeee »

Hi, new to wing foiling. I have a 5m kite wing and 1600 foil wing, 90L board. I have experience windsurfing and kiting. I went out the other day in Squamish for the first time in about 10 kts and was able to get up standing and going but not enough wind to plane.

My question is: Where on Vancouver Island would be suitable for me to go in the next month or two to work on progressing? I am concerned about being able to get back to a safe shoreline and about submerged hazards with the foil or for me when falling in (rocks/logs/rebar...). I usually visit the Parksville area when I come to the Island so I was wondering about Rathtrevor or maybe Piper's lagoon – I've never done wind sports on the East coast of the island before.

Thank you
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Re: Location advice for East coast of Island

Unread post by tweezer »

Hey windeeee,
Piper's, San Pareil are good spots to checkout. Details on these spots are in the spot guide under the info menu. https://windisgood.com/sailing-guide.html
Lots of island options on the "spot" map!
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Re: Location advice for East coast of Island

Unread post by smartang »

San Pariel on a low tide (like today around noon). Sideshore wind on any SE or NW. 500m long soft sandbar to walk of shame. Goose spit on a higher tide once you can taxi upwind on your knees (or standing).
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